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Is The Update Safe?


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Sorry to waste bandwidth, but I'm just checking to verify that the updates for Bandlab Assistant and the Cakewalk by Bandlab are safe to DL and install.  I usually check with this forum whenever one is released to see if anybody is having any issues and I'm seeing some posts with minor issues.  I'm in the middle of a project and I don't want to lose time on it because the DAW won't open, but if you guys say it's OK I'll take your word(s).


John B.

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28 minutes ago, John said:

I'm not sure why the question. But I have had no problems with Cakewalk. It works.

I'm guessing it is because there have been 3-4 updates in the last week.  Haven't had problems personally with any of them.  But that can certainly create a red flag. 


However, never update in the middle of a project, it just isn't a good business practice.  

Edited by Brian Walton
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1 hour ago, John said:

I'm not sure why the question. But I have had no problems with Cakewalk. It works.

Two very recent posts-"Hey Bandlab" by Geo524 and "Latest Version of Cakewalk Not Working" by Chazz, although upon checking now it seems that one had a problem with a Mackie Onyx interface that was resolved.  I probably just would've thrown caution to the wind if I wasn't mid project.  Why an interface would interfere with it I can't understand but maybe they'll address that with the next bug fix.  The updates (so far) have never been an issue with my Focusrite.


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Update whenever ready.

In addition to backup, copying the current CbB program folder to a new name leaves the current version and the update available for use.

Multiple versions may be stored online.

For example, before updating to CbB 2019.01 I copied "C:\Programs Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" to "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core-18-11"

After updating, CbB 2019.01 was the default but I can launch the previous version of CbB by going into "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core-18-11" and running Cakewalk.exe.

This is how I managed Platinum and currently have several Platinum versions and every CbB version online.

So what is the risk? If there is a problem with the shared utilities, all versions of SONAR and CbB are affected. This is where backup comes in handy. Even then backup is not the only recourse, it is possible to keep a copy of "C:\Programs Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities" online or retain copies of the installers.

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I haven’t seen it mentioned or I missed it but even if updates are fine which they have been for me I would never update while in the middle of a project. Things can, and do go wrong  

Of course if the update provides some special must have feature, you need to way up any possible risks vs benefits. 

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3 hours ago, John said:

I've heard that often Mudgel yet have have never had trouble updating. If I took that advice I would never update due to always being in the middle of a project.


I never have either, John.  But I always check this forum first, just to be sure and I look for red flags.  Haven't seen too many since they started but I am concerning this particular update.  There is another little "alert" up today.  I think Mudgel's advise on holding off until my project is finished is valid, but I also learned something from Scook about backing up previous versions.  I might try that.



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On 1/29/2019 at 9:49 AM, John said:

I've heard that often Mudgel yet have have never had trouble updating. If I took that advice I would never update due to always being in the middle of a project.


Could you post a link to some of your music. I would LOVE to hear it.

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1 hour ago, S.L.I.P. said:

I'll be happy to answer your question, when you tell me why you needed to "question," why the OP asked his QUESTION!


"I'm not sure why the question. But I have had no problems with Cakewalk. It works."

Because being free and no cost to the user downloading it seems to me the very best way to see if it will work on one's system.  No need to try a demo just do it. Also the nature of the question implies a wish for others to do the testing.  That is fine if stated that way but it bothers me a little when its implied. 

Now what on earth does my response have to do with your question?  Why do you care what I do?  Do you find my answers inaccurate? Do I have a history of false  statements regarding Sonar and now Cakewalk? 

In the old forum I had over 30000 posts and the vast majority were to help others get on better with Sonar. I wrote tutorials and gave the best advise I could.  Now, what have you done? 

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