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Don't Be Square ...Exercises for Avoiding the trap of Square playing!


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Very nice video as far as playing and having nice tools to get better on your Axe  ... ...as far as the first part of the video and his political views  ....sorry nothing I can do about that . Those are his feelings so I'm not gonna go there ...Honestly , I'm all about the Music ...


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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  On 2/16/2020 at 12:20 PM, Jesse Screed said:

daging babi asap








гахайн мах

cig moch






OK !  what is this ?  a  linguistic lesson on different ways  to say becan in multiple languages ?  nice try with the one  cabbage example thrown in at the very end . 

Go ahead, pass go and collect the 200 dollars the game says your entitled to if you have already learned what 's in the video .

It's a process man and some of those rhythmic variations are things I have yet to get under my fingers myself .

If you have adapted those concepts  to your Music and you know how to teach others  that lesson .....count me in ....I'm all ears ...



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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  On 2/16/2020 at 6:25 PM, kennywtelejazz said:

OK !  what is this ?  a  linguistic lesson on different ways  to say becan in multiple languages ?  nice try with the one  cabbage example thrown in at the very end . 

Go ahead, pass go and collect the 200 dollars the game says your entitled to if you have already learned what 's in the video .

It's a process man and some of those rhythmic variations are things I have yet to get under my fingers myself .

If you have adapted those concepts  to your Music and you know how to teach others  that lesson .....count me in ....I'm all ears ...




Kenny,  did you omit the emoji for this post?

I'm not sure what you mean, please explain,

did you mean ?

or did you mean?

if you meant ?, then right back at you?

if you meant?, then I guess I'm outta here

because I was trying to imply that just like there are a myriad of ways to play the same notes, there is a myriad of ways to say bacon.

Aw what the hell

I'm outta here anyway

Life is Good

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  On 2/16/2020 at 12:20 PM, Jesse Screed said:

daging babi asap








гахайн мах

cig moch







  On 2/16/2020 at 6:25 PM, kennywtelejazz said:

OK !  what is this ?  a  linguistic lesson on different ways  to say becan in multiple languages ?  nice try with the one  cabbage example thrown in at the very end . 

Go ahead, pass go and collect the 200 dollars the game says your entitled to if you have already learned what 's in the video .

It's a process man and some of those rhythmic variations are things I have yet to get under my fingers myself .

If you have adapted those concepts  to your Music and you know how to teach others  that lesson .....count me in ....I'm all ears ...





  On 2/16/2020 at 8:09 PM, Jesse Screed said:

Kenny,  did you omit the emoji for this post?

I'm not sure what you mean, please explain,

did you mean ?

or did you mean?

if you meant ?, then right back at you?

if you meant?, then I guess I'm outta here

because I was trying to imply that just like there are a myriad of ways to play the same notes, there is a myriad of ways to say bacon.

Aw what the hell

I'm outta here anyway

Life is Good


  I'm really into the musical angle of whats in the video ...+ I ran out of money for emoji's...

...have a good one ...

  On 2/16/2020 at 8:30 PM, craigb said:


simply unbelievable.



FWIW - I liked ALL of the samples in that video - even the so-called "boring" ones. ?





simply unbelievable.

? LOL that's one phrase Jesse will be remembered for  ....


Like you , I actually enjoyed the boring one's also .

Then when he changed the beat underneath his boring one to a hipper beat it exposed how un hip the boring examples truly were ...

I have ran across that in some of my own work ...thinking a hipper beat is gonna make up for a so so half baked melody

Also ,  once I heard where he took it with the  superimposed subdivisions that were based on 3 , 5 , 7 , I was hooked ....

His channel ( which is new to me ) has some of the coolest musical lessons ....

I hope people get something out of him ...I sure did .



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  On 2/18/2020 at 12:21 AM, InstrEd said:

Do I have to call the Emoji Police on you all here  ?  ?  ?



Now what was this thread about..................................................................?


That all depends on what you are here for .

If you are interested in spicing up your music and playing with the ideas in the video .

You are in the right place .

If you are interested in all the typical Coffee House horseplay and fooling around .

You are also in the right place ...

You get out of it what you put into it .

Ultimately it is within your power of choice to decide ,


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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  On 2/20/2020 at 8:12 AM, Michael Vogel ( MUDGEL) said:

No, that’s the guitar.


This is the case.



No , The Square Guitar I posted in the other picture didn't have a case to go with it ...

When I went to pay for the Square guitar I had seen the case you mentioned under a pile of old linens and blankets .

I asked the elderly woman who was selling the Square guitar "what was in the old beat up case underneath the pile?"

She told me it "was just a piece of junk guitar she had laying around the house" . Her story was  it  was left there abandoned  from the previous home owners from when she had bought the house and moved in over 50 years ago .

I asked her if it was OK to take a look at what she had in the case . She told me she was tired of moving it around and wanted to be done with it

Then she told me to kick in another 20 bucks and I could have that guitar under the pile  w the case too ...

With out missing a beat I kicked in the extra  Andrew Jackson , said my goodbys  to the elderly woman  , and promptly left w out even bothering to look inside the old beat up Guitar case ....

When I had gotten home this is the guitar  I found inside that old beat up brown guitar case w stickers all over it ...


Oh Yeah ! for $20 bucks extra I think I did pretty good ....


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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