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Freezing Kontakt soft synth The Grandeur: After unfreezing the piano sounds much different than it did prior to freezing

Christian Jones

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So I have The Grandeur up in Kontakt routed to a stereo audio track. When I freeze the track and listen to it it sounds just like it did prior to freezing. But after I unfreeze it the piano now sounds much wider than it did prior to freezing. It's weird though, because after unfreezing the stereo piano now sounds like it's supposed to, w/ a wide stereo output.. but prior to freezing, though the output was already set to stereo, it just doesn't sound nearly as wide. When I set the output on the audio track to mono then the piano sounds weird w/ everything down the center, so I don't think the output is changing itself.. I just don't understand why the piano has a wider stereo output after I unfreeze it than it did prior to freezing it. And I also don't know how to get the piano to have that same wide stereo outout from the get go w/o having to freeze/unfreeze it. Anyone know what's going on?

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25 minutes ago, Christian Jones said:

So I have The Grandeur up in Kontakt routed to a stereo audio track. When I freeze the track and listen to it it sounds just like it did prior to freezing. But after I unfreeze it the piano now sounds much wider than it did prior to freezing. It's weird though, because after unfreezing the stereo piano now sounds like it's supposed to, w/ a wide stereo output.. but prior to freezing, though the output was already set to stereo, it just doesn't sound nearly as wide. When I set the output on the audio track to mono then the piano sounds weird w/ everything down the center, so I don't think the output is changing itself.. I just don't understand why the piano has a wider stereo output after I unfreeze it than it did prior to freezing it. And I also don't know how to get the piano to have that same wide stereo output from the get go w/o having to freeze/unfreeze it. Anyone know what's going on?

@Christian Jones, I have The Grandeur as well; if you had a project you could send me I could take a look on my end and see what happens here? Just let me know how I can help? You could PM me or email me directly at praisetracks@gmail.com.

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1 hour ago, Simeon Amburgey said:

@Christian Jones, I have The Grandeur as well; if you had a project you could send me I could take a look on my end and see what happens here? Just let me know how I can help? You could PM me or email me directly at praisetracks@gmail.com.

Thanks man, but I guess I figured out the problem and it appears that the audio track the piano was outputting on got corrupted somehow within that session. When I deleted that track and inserted another in its place and set the outputs etc exactly like the one I deleted the piano now sounds like it's supposed to before and after freeze/unfreeze. I also noticed that, for that corrupt track I deleted, even though it was set to stereo output, when I froze it it froze to a mono wav file, so yeah something got corrupted w/ that track I guess. Ever hear of that? I've been working in this session w/ the piano sounding all messed up this way for a while too and wasn't even aware of it. That makes me mad ?

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2 minutes ago, Christian Jones said:

Thanks man, but I guess I figured out the problem and it appears that the audio track the piano was outputting on got corrupted somehow within that session. When I deleted that track and inserted another in its place and set the outputs etc exactly like the one I deleted the piano now sounds like it's supposed to before and after freeze/unfreeze. I also noticed that, for that corrupt track I deleted, even though it was set to stereo output, when I froze it it froze to a mono wav file, so yeah something got corrupted w/ that track I guess. Ever hear of that? I've been working in this session w/ the piano sounding all messed up this way for a while too and wasn't even aware of it. That makes me mad ?

I know; things like that can be really frustrating. Sometimes you get caught up in the workflow, and like you said never realize until late in the process that something was messed up. Hopefully as you mentioned things are working better. As always let me know if I can ever be of service.

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