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"Middle of Nowhere"..............new tune

bats brew

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this is off of the new Bats Brew album "The Wild Animals"

if you want to pick up a copy and support your vitual local musician,
it's here:



ah, the middle of nowhere, is the center of everywhere~!

just when you think you are lost, you're not. that is, if you are where you want to be.
sometimes i want to be in the middle of nowhere.
it is compelling.

this tune came about as a direct influence from listening to an older Queens of the Stone Age tune...
or rather, an album:  Songs for the Deaf.

i had been listening to this album, and when i was done, i had this beat in my head.
nothing i had heard from  my listening experience,
but still, this beat was in the head.

it's almost like a backwards shuffle!
like if you turned it around, played it backwards, you could jam to La Grange or Tush.

i guess the message is, when you are with who you want to be with,
anywhere you go together, is the center of everywhere.


Middle of No where

Stand, in the middle of no where
Fly, to the center of everywhere

Look around and get your bearings,
Your moving on the path i'm sharing
We're looking out for each other
You are my only lover

Middle of no where is the center of everywhere

Center of everywhere,  
Center of everywhere
Middle of no where, 
Middle of no where

Center of everywhere,

No where, everywhere, 
No where, everywhere, 
No where, no where, 
No where, everywhere, 
No where, no where.

recording specific stuff:

the drum track was written in superior drummer 3.0, with a custom kit where every piece was taken from multiple kits and edited for sound.

ok, pulled out all the stops on this one, as far as guitar stuff goes...


guitars used, left to right: 
'82 Carvin DC200K, with duncan custom custom in bridge;
'77 Ibanez Artist 2618, stock;
"86 custom build, strat/paul/explorer hybrid, with bill lawrence pickups and a lil 59'r in the bridge;
'04 custom USACG strat build, with bill lawrence pickups.
Demeter silent Speaker cab with celestion V30; used for clean rhythm track.
(2) Roland 1x12 cabs, closed back, one with celestion Heritage G12h-55, one with Carvin British series;
Avatar Vintage closed back, with old celestion G12C-30
'82 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb.
Palmer PDI-09 for one of the rhythm tracks; miced roland cab with 57 for other rhythm track;
Shure sm57 miced onto Avatar for the solo;
PDI-09 for solo harmony track.

every track used a different guitar,
with the white strat used for the solos.

i used a little ibanez short scale bass, a Mikkro model, thru a Sansamp Bass DI.
surprisingly enough, the little short scale bass sounds BIGGER than my full scale Carvin LB70.

Vox were done with a ADK Hamburg, being driven thru a ART DPS preamp.
percussion done into a Shure KSM44.

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23 hours ago, synkrotron said:

Hi Rob,

I listened and left a like at your SoundCloud page and here. I also left a comment in your album release topic in the Coffee House. I didn't comment here because I just come out with all the gushy fan boy rubbish.

ha! hey synkotron!

cloud of sound, is what they should call it, it floats in and out at times.... seems to NOT be the best streaming service! LOL


hey, thanks for listening and commenting...

what's great, rather than fan rubbish,

is to hear about certain arrangement or mix elements that work, or dont work, even if it's a finished product,

i often use comments for current projects, to get ideas to try, or fix things i missed before.

i may crank out a lot of tunes, but i'm trying to make them all 'no filler'. heheh

so, i have to keep upping my game, and i need feedback to do that.

so any comment is great, even if you say it sucks.


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21 hours ago, batsbrew said:

is to hear about certain arrangement or mix elements that work, or dont work, even if it's a finished product

Yeah, but, everything you create, Rob, is top notch. I can't remember ever hearing anything you have created since I found out about your stuff ever needing further input from me, ever.

So, carry on doing what you're doing :D


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On 2/2/2020 at 1:29 PM, Andrew Ball said:

Nice work as always, am I allowed to say a little Ritchie Blackmore-esque in the guitar? Great track to rock out to. 


hello andy! thanks so much for listening,

yea, you def hear some blackmore DNA in my playing..

i cut my guitar teeth on DP and rainbow.

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On 2/4/2020 at 9:45 AM, synkrotron said:

Yeah, but, everything you create, Rob, is top notch. I can't remember ever hearing anything you have created since I found out about your stuff ever needing further input from me, ever.

So, carry on doing what you're doing :D


well, i really,REALLY appreciate that synk!

sometimes i feel like it aint worth it...

but then i remember that im doing it mostly for the fun of it!!



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On 2/4/2020 at 10:31 AM, David Sprouse said:

Rob, great stuff.  Have you ever tried any reggae rhythm's?  Just curious.  :D:D

hey david!! thanks for listening, i appreciate it.


you know, i used to play several reggae songs back when i toured doing cover tunes,

and i've always been a huge bob marley fan, have several of his albums on forever rotation,

but i don't think i could do a legit reggae vibe, without it sounding a bit karaoke...

it's an intriguing idea, i think i'll go there with a demo, and see what happens....

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On 2/6/2020 at 1:37 PM, freddy j said:

Doggone if you haven't posted another power. professional,perfect piece (sorry for the multiple alliteration but I just love them) .  Absoflippinlutely terrific stuff Bats.  I always look forward to hearing your posts!!

HEHEH, freddy, crack me up...

thanks man, i'm glad you dig my stuff, i hope more folks get to hear some of it.

i tried to put an album that worked from beginning to end together, 

like my favorite old classic rock albums.

it's got pacing, and ebb and flow, and a bit of drama and goofiness, the whole thing.

you really have to hear it from beginning to end, to get the whole vibe.

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On 2/7/2020 at 6:05 AM, Douglas Kirby said:

Your songs always rock and your guitar playing is excellent - so it was an enjoyable listen.  I liked your vocal as well.

Your mixes, like Freddy J mentioned - sound professional - nicely done.

hey douglas, thanks so much man,

glad you dig this one.


took this one down,

gonna post a new one now....

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