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Can't hear anything



Hey there,

I've been trying to use CakeWalk for a while but it's been impossible for me to hear whatever it's supposed to be playing. I thought I was doing something wrong so I checked the sample project Chernobyl Studios - Withered Moment to see if I could hear it, but nothing played back.

I checked the Preferences tab, thinking that maybe I had to select my audio device, but all I found there were driver-related configurations.

I also tried using different speakers and headphones in different jacks and USB ports to discard hardware issues, but everything seems to be fine everywhere else... just not in CakeWalk.

Tried using the BandLab online mixer and it works fine, but for whatever reason, I can't use the downloaded CakeWalk editor.

Can anybody please shine a light here? Is this a common issue? How can I fix this?

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9 answers to this question

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We are going to need a lot more information

What version (Numerically) of “Cakewalk” are you using?

Which version of Windows? Are all its updates installed

Which audio interface (device) are you using?

What driver mode? (ASIO or WASAPI) - if you can ASIO is preferable

Have you installed the latest drivers for your audio interface

What are you trying to play

Is the fader turn up on the track/bus/output on the Cakewalk console

Have you accidentally muted the playback track

Is the playback track routed to a bus that is muted.

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9 hours ago, Promidi said:

We are going to need a lot more information

What version (Numerically) of “Cakewalk” are you using?

Which version of Windows? Are all its updates installed

Which audio interface (device) are you using? 

What driver mode? (ASIO or WASAPI) - if you can ASIO is preferable

Have you installed the latest drivers for your audio interface

What are you trying to play

Is the fader turn up on the track/bus/output on the Cakewalk console

Have you accidentally muted the playback track

Is the playback track routed to a bus that is muted.

Cakewalk version: Latest one, I just made a clean install and fully updated

Windows version:  Windows 10 Pro, not all updates, can't update for some reason

Audio interface: I'm using Logitech speakers, an AudioTechnica 2500 microphone and JBL headphones

Driver mode: I WAS using ASIO, but it forced me to switch between drivers every time I needed to change devices - also it wasn't really working. I figured last night that the problem was mainly caused because it had some "realtek high definition audio" driver mode selected by default instead of my speakers/headphones and that worked for... an hour? then the audio engine started failing out of nowhere and I've been unable to fix it. Today I tried switching from ASIO to MME and now it allows me to select my actual devices instead of its coded drivers, and the result is: I can't hear what's in the tracks, but I do can hear when composing and using the default VST loops.

Drivers updates: all drivers are up to date.

Trying to play: ANYTHING on the tracks, nothing plays back.

Cakewalk console: nothing is muted nor faded.

No playback tracks have been muted nor faded.

No playback track is routed to muted buses. Also there are no muted buses.

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5 hours ago, Kero said:

Windows version:  Windows 10 Pro, not all updates, can't update for some reason


You might want to figure this issue out before troubleshooting the sound issue.

Not being able to install Windows updates indicates more pressing issues.

You may even have to do a repair install (or even a clean reinstall) of Windows.

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I don't know if this is relevant, but trying a recording of my own voice seems to work fine; as in, recording directly into the playback tracks and then, well... playing it back.

As I mentioned before, the VST also seem to have no issues on their own but only while on the tracks.

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Just to clarify something important, your interface is your "realtek high definition audio" sound card.  Make sure that your interface/sound card's sample rate and bit depth match that in Cakewalk's driver settings (Preferences | Driver Settings: Audio Driver Bit Depth (16 or 24, etc.) and Sample rate (e.g. 44.1k, 48k, etc.)), as well as the Playback Timing Master set to your Realtek sound card.

You may have to change your Driver Mode (under Playback and Recording) after you figure out the above.  Check those settings and get back to us with your results.

Kind regards,


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Chernobyl Studios - Withered Moment now plays back properly.

Also I went back to ASIO4ALL instead of MME.

Directly-recorded audio also plays back just fine.

It seems VST audio tracks are the issue.

Not in-VST audio though, say the SI-Drumkit, when I open it, I can click the drums and they all sound fine. Also the loops sound fine while inside the VST window.

Problem seems to be related specifically to pre-made native loops inside the tracks.


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On 1/30/2020 at 8:50 AM, Promidi said:

We are going to need a lot more information

What version (Numerically) of “Cakewalk” are you using?

Which version of Windows? Are all its updates installed

Which audio interface (device) are you using?

What driver mode? (ASIO or WASAPI) - if you can ASIO is preferable

Have you installed the latest drivers for your audio interface

What are you trying to play

Is the fader turn up on the track/bus/output on the Cakewalk console

Have you accidentally muted the playback track

Is the playback track routed to a bus that is muted.

My audio drives works properly with other services, it's just Cakewalk who doesn't output any sound. please help with setup steps

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@Eyvaz Alizade This thread died years ago. 
Start a new thread. List details of the audio interface you are using. Let us know if you are using the ASIO drivers provided by the interface’s manufacturer (this is almost always the best practice).

Posting screenshots from Preferences>Audio>Devices and Preferences >Audio>Driver Settings is also helpful.

some screenshots of the two on my system...


We will try to get you up and running.


checkout @John Vere's video 


Edited by DeeringAmps
illustrate what is needed from preferences
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