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Private Message Complaint

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One of the forum members sent me a private message complaining that I have posted too many of my original compositions.

This is my answer to him:

I have been composing and teaching music theory for seventy years since I was sixteen-years-old.  I am professionally trained in music composition, counterpoint, harmony, music history and various other aspects of the art.  I am not posting my works on this forum to promote myself.   I am doing it in the hopes that young music creators will listen to it and perhaps learn something they may not know about composing.   At my advanced age I have no need for self-promotion.  I receive no financial compensation for it and I do not require it.  I make my compositions available on my music site.   I make monthly payments for the use of my Internet domain.   I receive little to no income from my music works from any source.

How about just listening to what I have to offer (maybe even liking some of it) and perhaps absorbing some methods and techniques for your own use. 

Best Regards.

Larry Graham Alexander


What say you?




Edited by Larry Graham Alexander
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If it were me, I might be offended, and blow up and swear etc. in the privacy of my own home. ?  Or I might just shrug it off.   I don't know since I don't post my music.

Or, I might reply with a "thank you for telling me; you might be interested to know the forum interface allows anyone to ignore anyone else; I won't be offended if you choose to use that to skip over my posts."

I think writing about it and asking others' thoughts is a good response, too, if that fits who you are.

I just hope that it doesn't inspire expressions of anger and hostility, retribution, etc. There's too much of that in the world for my tastes and I hate to see it in this community of Cakewalk users.

Thanks for asking.

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Just now, Pragi said:

I like that there many  creativ and  open minded persons are sharing their thoughts,music, ideas aso in this forum.

I hope you won't be demotivated to share your  knowledge .

I will be demotivated only when the funeral director prys my mouse from my cold, dead hand.  ? 

Thanks for your message.

Larry Graham Alexander


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Sounds like they're ego tripping, When you post it pushes their tune further down the the page.

As long as it doesn't break any rules I say keep posting. It's not another users right to tell you what or when you can post your music. I for one appreciate your talent.

Some forums have an ignore button, maybe they can implement one here.


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1 minute ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

Sounds like they're ego tripping, When you post it pushes their tune further down the the page.

As long as it doesn't break any rules I say keep posting. It's not another users right to tell you what or when you can post your music. I for one appreciate your talent.

Some forums have an ignore button, maybe they can implement one here.


Thanks for your support, H. S.

Larry Graham Alexander


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1 hour ago, Larry Graham Alexander said:

One of the forum members sent me a private message complaining that I have posted too many of my original compositions.

This is my answer to him:

I have been composing and teaching music theory for seventy years since I was sixteen-years-old.  I am professionally trained in music composition, counterpoint, harmony, music history and various other aspects of the art.  I am not posting my works on this forum to promote myself.   I am doing it in the hopes that young music creators will listen to it and perhaps learn something they may not know about composing.   At my advanced age I have no need for self-promotion.  I receive no financial compensation for it and I do not require it.  I make my compositions available on my music site.   I make monthly payments for the use of my Internet domain.   I receive little to no income from my music works from any source.

How about just listening to what I have to offer (maybe even liking some of it) and perhaps absorbing some methods and techniques for your own use. 

Best Regards.

Larry Graham Alexander


What say you?




Well said Larry!!

As someone else stated, the whole idea of the Songs forum is to post our compositions and for someone to say 'you're posting too many'?  Certainly shows a lack of understanding and proper judgement.

All your work is much appreciated in these forums......keep it up my good man!! :)


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Just now, Mesh said:

Well said Larry!!

As someone else stated, the whole idea of the Songs forum is to post our compositions and for someone to say 'you're posting too many'?  Certainly shows a lack of understanding and proper judgement.

All your work is much appreciated in these forums......keep it up my good man!! :)


I appreciate you, Mesh, you talented Dude.  Thanks very much.

Larry Graham Alexander

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Larry this would have probably been very offensive to me and I think that response is over the top. I appreciate all who post here.

Posting music can be a tricky thing on forums in general. I don't put up as much of my music anymore, but still frequent a few songs forums. One in particular is about as "clickish" as it gets. The people who hang around are made into mods lol. 

There should only be rules to benefit the entire group. A few forums have in their info on posting that you should listen to at least three songs from other people who posted and only post one song every so often. This isn't necessarily a slight. Simply a way to make sure that someone else's hard work isn't literally pushed to the bottom of the list because someone else posted 10 songs and no one else has any visibility on the page. Makes sense to me.

Listening to other's songs was always so very difficult for me, not because I didn't like much of the music, but because the only time I had to do it was during my limited time slot to make my own music and I have a tough time sitting still :) I know that sounds kinda selfish and I guess it is. I admit it's really a shame some forums feel the need to make a rule requiring that we listen to one another's music. They shouldn't need to do that. FWIW  I still make a point to do it no matter how inconvenient it is when I post my music because it's just the right thing to do and a reasonable expectation on a songs forum. I have learned so much and have been exposed to so much amazing talent here on the Cakewalk forum, so I'm glad I made the time. I haven't been over to the songs forum lately, but "if" you haven't been listening intently and  making comments on others music, then you can't reasonably expect anyone else to listen to your stuff because the process is give and take. JMOP.

Edited by Starise
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2 minutes ago, Starise said:

Larry this would have probably been very offensive to me and I think that response is over the top. I appreciate all who post here.

Posting music can be a tricky thing on forums in general. I don't put up as much or my music anymore, but still frequent a few. One in particular is about as "clickish" as it gets. The people who hang around are made into mods lol. 

There should only be rules to benefit the entire group. A few forums have in their info on posting that you should listen to at least three songs from other people who posted and only post one song every so often. This isn't necessarily a slight. Simply a way to make sure that someone else's hard work isn't literally pushed to the bottom of the list because someone else posted 10 songs and no one else has any visibility on the page. Makes sense to me.

Listening to other's songs was always so very difficult for me, not because I didn't like much of the music, but because the only time I had to do it was during my limited time slot to make my own music and I have a tough time sitting still :) I know that sounds kinda selfish and I guess it is. I admit it's really a shame some forums feel the need to make a rule requiring that we listen to one another's music. They shouldn't need to do that. FWIW  I still make a point to do it no matter how inconvenient it is when I post my music because it's just the right thing to do and a reasonable expectation on a songs forum. I have learned so much and have been exposed to so much amazing talent here on the Cakewalk forum, so I'm glad I made the time. I haven't been over to the songs forum lately, but "if" you haven't been listening intently and  making comments on others music, then you can't reasonably expect anyone else to listen to your stuff because the process is give and take. JMOP.

Thank you for your cogent comments.


Larry Graham Alexander


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Keep posting Larry. I for one don't listen to all of them but I do try to click on yours as I try to listen to the counterpoint to get some ideas. The person hopefully was just having a bad day and blowing off some steam.   As others have already posted that is why we have a song forum!

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I kind of blew by all the prior replies which, I'm sure, have already noted the obvious:  That THAT is exactly what the Songs Forums is supposed to be about!

I think whoever complained is only jealous that they don't have 70 years of experience yet, and are feeling upstaged that their two songs created over four years aren't getting enough attention.

It's a good thing you aren't Buckethead Larry!  Otherwise you'd have 2,358,942 originals over those 70 years! ?

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6 hours ago, InstrEd said:

Keep posting Larry. I for one don't listen to all of them but I do try to click on yours as I try to listen to the counterpoint to get some ideas. The person hopefully was just having a bad day and blowing off some steam.   As others have already posted that is why we have a song forum!

Thank you for your message.

Larry Graham Alexander


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6 hours ago, craigb said:

I kind of blew by all the prior replies which, I'm sure, have already noted the obvious:  That THAT is exactly what the Songs Forums is supposed to be about!

I think whoever complained is only jealous that they don't have 70 years of experience yet, and are feeling upstaged that their two songs created over four years aren't getting enough attention.

It's a good thing you aren't Buckethead Larry!  Otherwise you'd have 2,358,942 originals over those 70 years! ?

My thanks to you Mister craigb.

Larry Graham Alexander


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