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No Win Situation

Keith Wilby

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Very nice.
I didnt read your post at first and just listened straight to the track... and thought there is breathing there.
Had to listen again to make sure I was right.
I thought it worked well... as it definitely caught my attention wondering what was going to happen next.
keep them in  ?

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The intro did remind me a bit of Pink Floyd (Dogs of War?) only because you mentioned Roger Waters. Power of suggestion.
This is the 2nd song I've heard from you and this comment is pretty much the same. I like the song, especially your vocal styling. Great lyrics.
The buildup in the mix works very well too. And I'm sort of scrounging around for anything to critique. Totally subjective opinion but the brass instruments didn't seem to fit. IDK, just stood out to me.
I really like your music. Hope you have more to post here.

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Whaat? Alan Parsons Project has a new album??? Fantastic!!!   I remark in approval. I seriously could listen to a playlist of tunes like this for hours. Got any more? I bet you do!

Yes the horns scream midi from the '90's but as I remember, they evoke nostalgia in the earbrain and so there you are. It's not a deal breaker for me. I like your vocals, the performance and the tone.


Want a crit? Maybe move that creepy little woodblock panned far left in just a bit. I could feel my eyes going over there whenever it hit.

Maybe a bit more low end added back to that disco synth bass? Or add in another bass, maybe another deep ***** synth bass, on just the low hit of that disco octave, mixed in subtly. Might beef it up just enough without tweaking the bass patch you have. If that makes sense.


Nice tune Keith.



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Hey Keith, this is a terrific demo of your song -- the mix is just right and your performance is very good.  (I'm glad that even with the breathing you didn't make this a song about "breath" -- talk about an overused cliche, right?) I enjoyed the listen~~Allan.

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Thank you all for your comments on this. It isn't a work in progress so I won't be able to implement any of your suggestions – it was recorded in 1996 onto a stereo tape recorder. The vocal was one take and "live" and I applied the reverb changes as I was singing. It took many takes to get it exactly as I wanted it. Because the vocal is locked in with the backing it's not possible to isolate and reuse it, nor is it possible for me to sing it again because I can't reach those high notes anymore.

My son suggested putting it into a lower key but I've heard professionals doing that and, for me, they never really work, so we're stuck with it the way it is. I quite enjoy it that way, which is just as well as it turns out.

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