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What new updates would you like to see in 2020 to Cakewalk - CLOSED.


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On 2/29/2020 at 8:36 AM, Starship Krupa said:

Annoying "You Can Already Do This" Man to the rescue!

As you have said that you're a longtime Cakewalker, forgive me if you already know this, but you can already add notes to each Track down in the Lanes. It's not immediately obvious (I found it by accident one evening), but open your Take Lanes and double-click in the empty black rectangle on the right end of the header and start typing. I use it all the time to make notes about just the things you mention: which mic I used, places I might have blown a phrase or note, which synth patch I used or what alternate synth patches might sound good if it's a MIDI track, etc. Since each Take Lane has one, you can make really detailed notes on every take, not just the track. If you want to have global notes about the track itself, you could add an empty take lane for that purpose.

Many thanks for your response - that's absolutely brilliant: it's possible then to add notes at the take level (ie lanes), Track level (description in the track properties), and project level. It's funny how I've never noticed that after so many years of using Cakewalk and wishing I could!  Thanks so much ?

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15 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

And folder I think too!

OMG yes - if you expand the folder, there is a big section that you can enter text into. How did I miss all this for so long!

It would still be a great enhancement to be able to then export all these notes. The reason being learning which approaches get the best sounds - sometimes, you only really notice things a year on once you've cleared your headspace of the songs. You listen to a track and think "that guitar sound really rocks". I've usually archived the cakewalk files by that point - being able to have an exported .txt file would just make things easier.

Anywa, many thanks for the responses on this, I will start to use these new-to-me notes sections. That said, I'm having other woes with Cakewalk at the moment not being reliable for midi or for mixing. But that's another thread.

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i would like two new knobs added for analog audio tracks when used for live tracking artists, musicians and bass players....one for "Talent" and the other with a low-pass filter for "Being a D*ck"

To  be able to increase talent and independently make someone less of a d*ck would be a huge improvement.

Would be ok as a VST plugin, too. 

Edited by StudioNSFW
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On 1/25/2020 at 1:14 PM, User 905133 said:

So, I am wondering, what things would help you editing with the Staff View?


One thing I miss was having the MIDI footprints buttons on the Staff View, to move the timeline forward or backward and play the next MIDI note(s).   A solution was offered (cannot remember from who) that kinda worked, but not really.  You have to go into a menu and turn something on to use it, but it really did not work well.  The program gets confused.

Bring back the MIDI footprints.

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Started using Cakewalk about 2 months ago, overall i like it!
But some things bothered me right away and i would like to see it improved:

- The level meters are so tiny. It would be nice if there was a way to make them appear bigger. Also being able to see LUFS would be cool.
- ACT: This is very cumbersome and tedious to set up and it doesn't work all the time. An example where it is pretty straight forward is in Ableton Live.
- Audio Snap: When i drag a transient, it doesn't follow in real time, currently i drag the tansient and after i drop it, the wave form follows.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Very unintuitive, maybe a suggestion for zoom feature: look at 3d creator programs like Autodesk Maya or Blender

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I'd love to see the step sequencer ge a load of new features: copy and paste sequences, shift all measures at once, stutter effects, insert points - grown up sequencer stuff. The one in cakewalk is super basic compared to reapers 3 and studio one's is brilliant!

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Keyswitches palette in Piano roll for big sample libraries.

Possibility to send tracks to 2 or more buses or outputs

Freeze function in Aux tracks,when i work sending a track to a aux track with effects, freezing the track don't freeze the effects in the aux track. the icon is, but don't work.

A function to delete all efects in a track.

possibility to work with plugins in multimono.

To fix the bug when recording in loop changing the midi track without stop, all the tracks sound with the instrument in the first track.

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Yeah... It's me...


Someboy brought up Lanes vs. Layers again... Still an issue for me. I've learned to work with Lanes and mostly accommodated my needs. No longer an issue for me except for the glaring elephant still in the room...


ZOOM issues!

1) I expect what I lasso is what I get in my zoom. Even if it's a single clip! (layers used to do this)

2) Stop prioritizing the size of the promoted (track) view over the clips!  I am always forced to fidget the Lanes large and the track minimal (or I wish no promoted view at all as in switchable would be even better)!


I waste more time repeatedly doing this umpteen times/day............


Yes, I've said it before and I'll say it again... and again...


Lanes? They've been tweaked enough so that I am no longer limited by them. I may even be using some of it's newer features on occassion.


Now please end all the fidgeting time waste suffered by constant zoom fidgeting.... I'm guessing there's some Lane related limitation that is creating this, but that makes it a major issue that needs attention! Zoom is far too constant an issue to be ignored!





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7 hours ago, Jordi said:

To fix the bug when recording in loop changing the midi track without stop, all the tracks sound with the instrument in the first track.

I don´t understand that, either. Can you describe more clearly what you are doing?

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2 hours ago, GreenLight said:

Good suggestions! :D

Hm, I'm not sure I understand this one? You can already send a track to multiple buses or outputs using  multiple Sends...? And I suppose you have explored Patch Points?

Yes, i did it, is fine but faster if you can route a track to multiple outputs or buses.

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2 hours ago, JoseC said:

I don´t understand that, either. Can you describe more clearly what you are doing?

i create a loop, for example from bar 3 to bar 10, then  i create 2 or more midi tracks to record diferent instruments like a bass in track 1 drums in track 2 etc. all midi tracks. but i want to record playing the loop and select in real time each track i want to record. i arm the 1 track record 8 bars and desarm this track,i arm the 2 track to record  a  drum playing my keyboard, then when the loop go to the 1 bar, i listen the 1 track an electric bass and the 2 track a drum kit, i hear the electric bass patch like the 1 track, this is a bug. When i clic the stop then all tracks are right. this is the same using virtual synths or a external module.

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9 hours ago, Jordi said:

Yes, i did it, is fine but faster if you can route a track to multiple outputs or buses.

Agreed, using Patch Points requires a few clicks, but just creating two sends from one track to two (or more!) different buses is pretty quick. No?

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11 hours ago, Jordi said:

i create a loop, for example from bar 3 to bar 10, then  i create 2 or more midi tracks to record diferent instruments like a bass in track 1 drums in track 2 etc. all midi tracks. but i want to record playing the loop and select in real time each track i want to record. i arm the 1 track record 8 bars and desarm this track,i arm the 2 track to record  a  drum playing my keyboard, then when the loop go to the 1 bar, i listen the 1 track an electric bass and the 2 track a drum kit, i hear the electric bass patch like the 1 track, this is a bug. When i clic the stop then all tracks are right. this is the same using virtual synths or a external module.

There is no bug in something so basic, it is most probably a set up or a routing error. It looks like you have the Input Echo button in the track header set to On in both tracks instead of Auto. If you set it to On in both tracks, all of them sound as you play your controller. If you set it to Auto, you only hear the selected track. That would be why everything is fine when you stop playing and listen to what you recorded.

Anyway, if this is not the cause, be more specific about how exactly you have your midi inputs and outputs set up, and how the Input Echo buttons are. 

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1 hour ago, JoseC said:

There is no bug in something so basic, it is most probably a set up or a routing error. It looks like you have the Input Echo button in the track header set to On in both tracks instead of Auto. If you set it to On in both tracks, all of them sound as you play your controller. If you set it to Auto, you only hear the selected track. That would be why everything is fine when you stop playing and listen to what you recorded.

Anyway, if this is not the cause, be more specific about how exactly you have your midi inputs and outputs set up, and how the Input Echo buttons are. 

Ok, I have to say, before I post a question here i try all options. but anyway i explain what i do:

Always playing an external module Roland.

1 option:

Preferences/Midi/Playback and recording: always Echo Current Midi Track selected.

I create a loop 4 bars. I record the first midi track, an electric bass. The input echo in auto thru, the track sound right

I select the 2 track, a drum kit, the input echo in auto thru,when Cakewalk is playing or record i can change the echo input.

When i'm recording this track i listen drum notes when play my keyboard, but when the loop go the 1 bars then the drum track play the notes recorded but i hear the bass patch.

2 option: the echo input active

Then i record the 1 track a bass, select the 2 track, i can't unselect the echo active in the first track, i play my keyboard the bass and drum sound toghether, impossible to record this 2 track listening a drum kit and a bass toghether. of course i can't unselect the echo input without stop the loop.

3 options:

Preferences/Midi/Playback and recording: always Echo Current Midi Track unselected

Of course the option echo input:thru don't work and only listen the track with the echo input active

I record the 1 track activating the echo input before play the loop, i record the track, but because i can activate the echo input in the 2 track i listen i bass patch.

Of course there are not more options i think.

Anyway, maybe you can try this to see you can do it.

The option 1 seems the only one i can record in loop without stop, but they are stranger things, for example if i unselect the arm botton and play to try what i want to record cakewalk record this in the track. if i record a second lane in some track then all tracks sound with the bass patch or other patch.


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Ok, I think I get what you want now. The only way that you can record two tracks without stopping the transport is arming both of them and using two separate midi controllers, each one assigned exclusively to each track, or a single midi controller that can change its output channel.  I just did that without problems, using a keyboard for bass and a pad controller for drums, both to an external module.  So, it is this, or briefly stopthe transport to disarm a track and arm the other.

If you have two armed tracks and play the same controller, there is no way Cakewalk knows which one you want to record. For this, Input Echo is irrelevant, because that only determines what you hear. Even if you mute it, notes get recorded in both tracks.  If it did not, it would be a problem for several musicians recording at the same time.  And depending on the recording options, you might hear or  not what you are loop recording. If you selected Comping, you would not hear what you recorded until you stop, but if you select Sound on Sound, like for recording drums one at the time, you hear all you recorded in previous passes.



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On 1/25/2020 at 10:05 PM, paulo said:

Fix the "undo quick unfreeze" bug (makes the track hidden) - drives me nuts that one. 

Change the track focus behaviour so that unfreezing a synth automatically shifts the focus to that track - a close second to above. 

Preferably before something happens to prevent updates being installed in w7.

This , the undo freeze bug where , in my case clips disappear. It is making me go crazy as well.

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