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``Snowflakes´´ Paul Bush

Paul Bush

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Cool! I like the intro. There's alot more there than just the piano.
Nice "click" to the beater on the kick, but not sure it and the snare are in the same space.
This is something I struggle with, getting the kick "defined", but keeping the whole kit glued together.
Some dandy guitar work, always a big plus for me.
Are you straining just a bit on the high notes? Again, something I struggle with constantly, getting the key exactly right.
Down a half step maybe, perhaps just the phrases that need it? In the day, slow the tape. Anderton has some tips for that.
Overall, as I said above, Cool!


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Hi Paul, I really like the song and production. Your voice kinda reminds me of Colin Hay (Men At Work). Hope you take that as a compliment ?.  Cool guitar tone and solo and I also like the pizzicato strings (if that's what I'm hearing) in the 1st verse. Very nice! 

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Well thanks for all the tips and the really nice comments guys , Ive since downloaded some better piano tones ,I really do stuggle with the drum side of things (EZdrums) i should take more time with the mixdown though I´m slowly getting grips with  bandlab  hopefully my next  effort will be a tad better cheers to all

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Overall, the instrumentation is pretty good, and your guitar work is excellent. The mix could stand a little polish, like some compression here and there and a little better balance between the tracks. There were a few spots where it felt like things were getting lost in the mix, but that is easy to fix.

Your vocals are well done! You have a good voice, so don't be afraid to put it out there!

Again, overall, I think you did a really good job on this!


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Hi Dan ,

Thanks for the  encouraging comments , I try to keep things as basic as possible there`s always something that niggles after the mix down ( I´m useles at the mixdown stage),  funny thing is one can never tell which song is the strongest,   the one`s I like are usually the ones no-one else does  .. cheers PB

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