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DXi Instruments Crashing


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I'm running a Windows 10 machine with DirectX 12. Doing a dxdiag shows everything is fine. Every time I load a DXi-based synth in Sonar, however, the program crashes. Just to save you time, these are

  • Cakewalk TTS-1
  • Cyclone
  • GroovePlayer
  • Pentagon I
  • Roland GrooveSynth

The TTS-1 and Roland synths used to play fine. Now, they too crash the software. Any suggestions? I just gotta have that retro sound, man!

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13 minutes ago, Ricebug said:

Is Command Center still active? Or does BandLab have its own updater?

What is "CbD," BTW? I haven't kept up since Cakewalk threw in the towel.

The Command Center is active for SONAR and the legacy products shown in the Command Center.

Cakewalk By BandLab uses a different install/activation tool called BandLab Assistant. I supplied a link in my previous post describing how to upgrade from SONAR. CbB, a 64bit only DAW based on the unreleased SONAR Platinum 2017-11, must be activated online using BandLab Assistant.

The upgrade retains Platinum and adds new folders for CbB just like a SONAR upgrade.

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If you prefer, before upgrading you could try rolling SONAR back and forward to see if re-installing it fixes the problem. I have my doubts whether rollback or CbB upgrade will fix this issue but they are free to explore. Could also try a clean install of Platinum. From the info provided, the plug-ins should work in Platinum.


If you do elect to upgrade to CbB make sure leave Platinum installed so that CbB can use all the software bundled with Platinum.

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11 hours ago, Ricebug said:

I'm running a Windows 10 machine with DirectX 12. Doing a dxdiag shows everything is fine. Every time I load a DXi-based synth in Sonar, however, the program crashes. Just to save you time, these are

  • Cakewalk TTS-1
  • Cyclone
  • GroovePlayer
  • Pentagon I
  • Roland GrooveSynth

The TTS-1 and Roland synths used to play fine. Now, they too crash the software. Any suggestions? I just gotta have that retro sound, man!

Ah yes, the oldies but goodies. Brings back memories of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, Yes, Kansas, and Styx to name a few..?

I'm thinking you are trying to use too many very old and outdated DXi's at once that write written well before DX v12. These synths are indeed all powerful and kind of reigned supreme for me with SONAR Producer 8.5 but I started noticing getting weak on performance and stability after X3, at which point I started using another computer a Dell Inspiron running windows XP, SPRO 8.5 more or less as a dedicated hardware instrument. Simply because the great old synths were built to run on XP when 64x computing was still a futuristic wet dream, when we all wondered if it was even possible at all.

 And I'm not entirely sure, but I have a bad, bad feeling that running softsynths created in 32 bit DX 9 world might not be up to speed in traversing to a 64x DX 12 universe?


 I still use TTS-1 today and it works excellently in projects set up to 24/48 but have stability issues with using any one of the others

  • Cyclone
  • GroovePlayer
  • Pentagon I

I completely forgot about Roland GrooveSynth. I never used it, but  owning a Roland JV synth module there was never any point. Hmm, can't remember the last time I used that either.

A great alternative to achieve the old school analog synth sound for me is either, and yet still vintage Dimension Pro, Rapture, or better yet, which I guess have just recently slipped into the vintage category, the Rapture Session or Pro version is more my cup of tea because I can dig deeper into sound creation and design, but if you're just choosing and selecting patches then the free included Rapture Session is more them powerful enough.

Not sure if Rapture Session or Pro will continue to slip down the spiraling drain of obscurity, I certainly hope not, but we can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which fills up first...

Or, I'm thinking Native Instruments puts out some nice stuff? You don't need to go broke going overboard and be a Complete MACHINE head if all you need is one of their synths that can do all of the above, perhaps, I was always kind of fond of Absynth years ago which is still on my Dell laptop. I never upgraded it so it won't work well on on my Win 10 computer if at all.

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7 hours ago, pwalpwal said:

to the users who don't have the issue - are you also running DirectX12?

Follow-up: I have been able to induce a couple of random crashes when inserting TTS-1 into a CbB project. But not every time, and mostly none of the time. But it has happened since my last post.

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13 hours ago, Steev said:

 And I'm not entirely sure, but I have a bad, bad feeling that running softsynths created in 32 bit DX 9 world might not be up to speed in traversing to a 64x DX 12 universe?


That's the problem with computer-based technology.  One day, you're happy playing Rayman: The Great Escape, then you upgrade the OS and the oldies become distant memories. 

EDIT: Installed Bandlab's Cakewalk. DX instruments still cause crashes. To be specific, I can add an instrument, pick a voicebank, etc. But as soon as I press the synth keyboard or press Play on the DAW, fuggedaboutit.

Edited by Ricebug
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm the admin puke on my own machine. Used Ultimate Windows Tweaker to make sure. The whole admin rights thing is most annoying. But, it is what it is.

When I worked at a computer outlet, I'd troubleshoot machines folks would bring in. I was appalled at some of the idiotic things they'd do to their machines, and then blame the manufacturer for it.

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  • 1 year later...

Just to chip in my own experience: after a few days of battling with Pentagon crashing, trying all the suggestions I could find online, I finally wiped clean Cakewalk, re-installed Sonar 3 (only the main program, Pentagon and Psyn), and re-installed Cakewalk by Bandlab on top of it. When Cakewalk is run in Administrator mode, both plugins run fine. Now I'm not touching anything anymore.


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