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The American Way (Final MIX)

Jesse Screed

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vocals mixed up

Final mix


The American Way


instigation confrontation

us against them

the night watch they keep

they won't let us sleep

no rhyme no reason,

it's the season

let's do it again,

it's the american way (repeat this like a few times)

politics lunatics all have their say

in everyone minds there's a game that we play

investigation of the nation

something ain't right

and we can't see it's double jeopardy

it's the american way (repeat this like a few times)

narcissism pessimism  crying shame

we need a hero

not someone to blame

our live are all portraits painted eons ago

we have to remember

it's not a dream

it's the american way (repeat this like a few times)



Edited by Jesse Screed
final mix
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11 hours ago, Kevin Walsh said:

I believe you're on to something here. Very much dig the song and especially the instrumental break. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Thanks Kevin, I'm in the process of cleaning it up.

7 hours ago, David Sprouse said:



you sound like joe walsh singing sprechtstimme.  You always amaze me.

Right back at you David!

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Thank you!!! 

The best yet!!!  It has structure (verse, chorus, melody, etc.) but still has that Jesse touch and that is good, very good! I love it.  Being a guitar guy I very much like your guitar work  (just the right amount of dissonance) and the lead breaks were very cool indeed.  Ya, the vocal might come up a bit but the lyrics that I did catch were very cool also.  I particularly liked the ending.  To me it summarized the chaos and confusion some of us are currently experiencing given the nature of things.

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Really cool Jesse - I really enjoyed listening to this one.  To me, it's got a bit of a new wave vibe to it - maybe because of all you have going on in the mix with the synths.

Very original - kudos to you?

My only crit - I thought the vocal should be a bit more up front in the mix - just my ears (I listened with headphones).

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Lots of interesting things going on in there. Really like the guitar solo and the change up around 1:55. And the Hendrix nod at the end. You really do need to make the vocal stand out more. I know that I'm old and all, but I just couldn't catch much of the lyrics.

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11 hours ago, SPAK said:

..... And I think the lyrics are top notch .. seems you hate praise but I can't help myself sorry Jesse ?

Hey SPAK, accept my apologies if I sounded like I hate praise, I'm not that jaded.   What I meant was this was the least spontaneous thing I have done in a long time.  I figured everything out before I printed it.  That is all, I usually just let it fly, but this was like looking through a microscope.


I respect your opinion, and all the critiques of the people who take the time to listen,


This is the final mix

Thanks to all for the suggestions, I couldn't have done it without you.



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13 hours ago, Pete Laramee said:

As always, I dig it.


How have you been Mr Screed? It's been a while.

Peter! welcome back.  I can remember the day you said you were stepping out for bit.  I have been well.  I hope you have been well too. 


1 hour ago, mark skinner said:

Great timing for releasing this one ...  Enjoyed it.  mark

Hello Mark, it is a crazy bit of happenstance isn't it.  Glad you enjoyed it.

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