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Overloud TH-U

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51 minutes ago, Gswitz said:

Fyi as a us citizen, i paid $69 usd through PayPal direct to overload. I upgraded from th3 full.

Sorry, I was mistaken, I paid 60EUR (49UER +VAT on Timespace). Remembered it was 60 but little different currency.

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1 hour ago, Gswitz said:

Fyi as a us citizen, i paid $69 usd through PayPal direct to overload. I upgraded from th3 full.

I think I got it for $57.96 from JRR with code Group. Still not bad.

Edited by Grem
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16 hours ago, Jim Roseberry said:

FWIW, I don't like the stock Cabs... 

IMO, TH-U starts to sound a whole lot better if you use quality Cab IRs.

What I think is ideal (if you have the Cabs/mics)... is to create your own Cab IRs (your favorite Cab/s, mic'd the way you like).

This helps bend the sound (tone) to being more "you".

I think the cab sim is the current weak spot in amp sims. IRs don't react to dynamics so your playing dynamics can't control speaker break up. At this point the amp sims seem to respond to playing dynamics, now if they work on the cabs ...

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24 minutes ago, rsinger said:

I think the cab sim is the current weak spot in amp sims. IRs don't react to dynamics so your playing dynamics can't control speaker break up. At this point the amp sims seem to respond to playing dynamics, now if they work on the cabs ...

I agree with the static nature of IRs... and that the Cab section needs to evolve/progress.

BTW, The UA Ox Amp Top Box has dynamic Cab sim (not using IRs).

It's not cheap... but it's a great recording solution if you have a quality tube amp/s.

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One thing i was waiting for is scalling resolotion after zoom within the plugin, it s terrible and aestheticaly wak ...

also this player preset list browser not even integreted well in the gui isn t seriuos imho .... it s all cosmetic , but gets on my focus ..lol ...

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2 hours ago, filo said:

Even as an EU citizen you can buy software in US shops without extra VAT (my personal experience with JRR and Mastercard)

True for many shops including mentioned JRR.  But  unfortunately not for all. Especially strongly placed in EU. Like PA or Overloud or TS. They always adds  VAT. What's makes many of their deal not so great for UE citiziens (for me it is 23% more).

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The end of the video where he's going thru the Rig Player:

He left the tone controls at extreme settings (set when he switched to Cab off and tried using the stock "MESA" Cab)... then discovers that all the profiles sound bad.  ?


With Kemper style profiles, they're a "snap-shot" of an entire Amp/Cab/Mic rig at a specific amp setting. 

The Kemper (and Rig Player) have a Gain control... but if you get this too far from the original amount, the profile no longer sounds accurate.

If you want an accurate profile with Gain 25% higher, you have to go back and profile that setting on the Amp.


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1 hour ago, filo said:

I'm not an expert , but most of TH-U Rig Player knobs hasn't significant impact to sound for me. Anyone else here with similar experience or am I doing something wrong?

FWIW, Those are the same parameters that are on the Kemper Profiler.   ?


Steven Slate alluded to TH-U being able to load Kemper profiles.

What's been released thus far (at least to the general public) doesn't allow directly loading Kemper Profiles.

Allowing the user to load Kemper Profiles (assuming they sound identical to the Kemper) would be huge.

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11 hours ago, Fleer said:

I think you’re starting to look like your father more and more. 

Frank, so you can find around many such self-fathers :)  Count me in. ;)

I am also preferring older look. I don't want to recall again look of looper which in TH-U is probably ugliest thing ever :)

Well, I would say some elements from TH2 for me looked ways better. No mics hanging in air,  They were mounted on stands.



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  • 7 months later...

To chime in with my opinion on the THU rig player and rig libraries. I have found the rig libraries to be immediately and noticeably much better then any non rig sounds included in TH2, 3 or U. I am currently replacing all guitar sounds in my earlier recording projects that were using  Guitar Rig 5, Amplitube Max, and of course, TH2, 3, and U tweaked standard presets (non rig) with sounds from the THU rig libraries. Admittedly I have not tried to tweak the sounds in the rig libraries but then again I find that there are so many preset sounds that are  superior and are far more authentic I do not feel the need to do so. I do have a friend that owns a Kemper and both he and I think it is an incredible piece of gear.

The THU rig lib sounds so much more realistic to me that I think they do rival the Kemper in terms of producing fantastically realistic sounding examples of the amplifiers and cabinet combinations they are modeling. I believe it is the single greatest improvement I have heard in a guitar modeling plug-in to date in terms of authenticity of sound for in the box recording. I own full versions of Guitar Rig 5 and Amplitube Max. Neither come anywhere near the rig models for THU. Clearly my new go to plug in for guitars.

~Try one and see for yourself. I think you will really like them.


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