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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. UPDATE. The feature with the dots that find similar sounds turns out to be super useful. To be honest, I never used SA2 or SA3 that much. But I think I’m going to use this a lot.
  2. So sorry, Larry. Unfortunately, these kinds of stories are becoming too common. My wife and I fly to florida every month or so to see her mother, and it seems like something goes wrong on almost every trip.
  3. There has been the same Falcon sale every year, around October. I think it goes for around $250, with two expansions plus a $100 voucher. If you wait until BF and the 30% off UVI sale, you can get 3 expansions for the voucher and a few bucks. But you never know, there could be something better.
  4. I've spent a short time with this, and here are my initial thoughts, particularly for people who are considering upgrading from Synth Anthology 3. First, it's a totally different thing. SA3 only gave you one patch at a time, with a separate Sub engine. This is two patches at the same time, similar to Analog Lab. Obviously this gives you a lot more options with all the presets. The FX and the arp are way better. In fact, the arp has features you won't find on most, if not all, of the Vintage Vault instruments. Cool stuff, like making a note in the arp add a 9th. Randomizing capabilities. And if you don't like this arp, you can turn it off and use the old one that comes with Workstation or Falcon. As I am an arp-lover, I have been working for a while on a video on the new Falcon arpeggiators that have turned up in Falcon versions 2.5 and 2.8. (Plus the three Euclidean sequencers from Falcon 2.0) There is some cool stuff there. But as I can't figure out how to turn off the arp on SA3 (I don't think it's possible), you may not be able to use any of these new sequencer/arp scripts in Falcon with SA3. The point I'm hoping to make in the video is that these arps are like extra libraries that do amazing things with any UVI synth sound you have. I truly think they are reason enough to get Falcon. And even long-time Falconistas may not know about them because so many of them only came out a year ago. Will I ever finish this video? Stay tuned. But it's easy for you to try them out by adding Script Processors in the Events Category. Back to SA4. I think it's a really good deal. The problem with Vintage Vault for me is that it is a LOT to look through. This is more manageable, and therefore useful. And it is a big leap forward from SA3
  5. I have Chordjam, although I haven't really used it yet. I read on Reddit that Loopmix Lite loads up the expansions, so maybe I will consider their vocal expansion. I love Vocal mangling instruments.
  6. Anybody have ideas for something cheap to buy to get Loopmix Lite? I'm trying to think of something I actually want.
  7. The post on this was closed, but there are two points I wanted to make about it: I think one month of Loopcloud isn't asking too much in return for a free Usynth. I believe you have to sign up for a year. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/68-Sample-Packs/10786-Loopcloud-12-Month-Artist-Plan-FREE-UJAM-Usynth-Core- "Delivery Format Downloadable Installer File. With your first Usynth title, the UJAM App will also stealthily install the Usynth plugin which hosts all titles" You get the same plugin when you download the free usynth plugin, DRIVE. https://www.ujam.com/usynth/drive/
  8. Why don't you write their customer service? Maybe there is a grace period and they will upgrade for free, Or at least discount it further.
  9. To my knowledge, there is no overlap between them. It's composed of sounds that are not in Vintage Vault. So... do you want the additional sounds? Do you like the UI?
  10. I feel I should say that for those who don't know this, the idea of an analog orchestra was first tried in 2006 with Indiginus's Solid State Symphony. Granted, it requires full Kontakt and costs $59, but check it out. A lot of fun to play! I love it so much that I made a video about it once. To be clear, I paid for it and only made the video because I liked it so much. (God I was making insane videos back in those days.)
  11. @Simeon Amburgey I'm sure everybody would be interested in what kind of music you could make in real time with this thing. Also, I didn't see in the video how the presets are arranged. Tags? Maybe I missed it. Harmonia comes with 350 presets. There is also a paid soundbank from James Dyson. $49 now, $69 later. More than Harmonia! Get it here: https://store.cherryaudio.com/presets/euphonic-sonics-for-harmonia
  12. And Cooper also sells upgrades! She may be the best source for a BIAB noobie.
  13. https://www.mintonaaudio.com/products/analog-orchestra It works in the free version of Vital, which you can download at https://vital.audio/
  14. If you get this, NI is offering 30% off any other expansions.
  15. Best Service libraries go for 40% off every Black Friday, and maybe other times too. AFAIK this is the first time you have stuff for 60% off, assuming you already own the right library. Perhaps some of you can school me if otherwise. The thing that's got my attention is the EthnoWorld Voices for $99. The EthnoWorld instruments library is my favorite big world library (sorry UVI World Suite) and I've always wanted the Voices too. Is it a big difference to go from $155 during BF to $99 now? Hmmmm.... ?
  16. Hmmm.... The only ujam instruments that turned up for me under ujam in NKS were the first 4 guitars. I'll have to check this out. I think these both are very good deals, depending on what you currently own.
  17. I checked to see if I owned the original and I got that for $17.50. Was that a BF deal? Still, this is a major upgrade. As I've never used Animation Station once, this is something I really need. ?
  18. Production Expert - Why People Are Concerned about the Avid Deal: https://www.production-expert.com/production-expert-1/why-people-are-concerned-about-the-avid-deal
  19. The second collaboration with Evolution Series, after Lores. Looks cool. Something to look forward to in the summer of 2025. ?
  20. I did this with Dandy in one of my videos, but this shows you how you can just play chords and get a combined bass and guitar part. See how much fun this is? In terms of forum rules: I have never made one cent from my YouTube videos and don't expect that to ever happen. (There is a tech problem and YouTube offers no customer service to fix it) I have spent thousands of dollars and hours on my videos. I do them now for the love of it, and out of the hope I've helped a few people.
  21. My head always spins with Plugin Alliance pricing. I can never keep up with all the deals.
  22. One of my favorite ujam instruments. Really nice acoustic bass with patterns. Works very well with the acoustic guitars in the NI Session Guitarist Series.
  23. Thank you! EastWest has a winner with this. A nice companion to Symphobia's Lumina, among other things.
  24. I can't find an instrument list anywhere. Anybody have a link? Thanks!
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