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Everything posted by Lamenace

  1. I upgraded from JRR 5.2 to 6.5 for $88. And I resold the serials of Guitar Rig 7, Ni Plugin, Bx Bundle, and Melodyne that I already had. In the end, it's like upgrading to 6.5 for $23. If I didn't sell it cheap, I could have made more than $20.
  2. https://www.thomannmusic.com/intl/meldaproduction_mbassador.htm Thomann : Melda - MBassador : €32,77 Until 2024/09/15 this product is especially affordable. The offer is limited in time - so be fast and grab it quickly!
  3. $39.2 using the Halloween Code ($49 -$9.8 ) 2days left. USE CODE [ TREAT20 ] TO RECEIVE AN EXTRA 20% OFF STOREWIDE And a Free Gift of the Month with purchase – Horror Textures by DM Samples (Kontakt)
  4. I also received this code via email FZJX-3J4K
  5. I own a ShaperBox 3 and I received the following upgrade offer on my account: Complete Your Collection. Upgrade to the Cableguys Bundle now and get: Curve 2 FilterShaper XL MidiShaper Buy now for only $79
  6. I bought the bundle (£63.60) and get £5.86 wallet Glow reverb for £11.74 £44 - £26.4 (FIRST 60) - £5.86 wallet = £11.74
  7. The realism and sound of the guitar is outstanding. I prefer to edit the preset rather than create a pattern, but the pattern editor is confusing and presets without pattern variations require effort to create new patterns. Besides, both instruments I own (Nyion and Dracus) have the same presets. So for quick work, I use the AAS strum GS2 or a Session guitarist series with a lot of presets first. If add a few variations to one pattern, it will be the best instrument. please add presets
  8. I don't buy any more of OTS guitars because of their poor strumming patterns
  9. I put in two codes and it turned out to be $8. That's a good price for me. I paid without trying anything else.
  10. Thank You I got Tails, Needle Point and Tape Face
  11. Mosaic can be done quickly and easily with MS Paint?
  12. Waves Alternative Products >> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1--yRZdWro_d28LmYNvaWsVct7CR6Y_KAULFU8wZ4SEI/htmlview
  13. Gen4 here / $224 https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-Plus-PCIe-NAND-5000MB/dp/B0B25M8FXX/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3IJNV4CXK3UM7&keywords=Crucial%2BP3%2B4TB&qid=1679366224&sprefix=crucial%2Bp3%2B4tb%2Caps%2C544&sr=8-2&th=1
  14. Anyone who purchased or updated to Absolute 5 on Black Friday last year can update to Absolute 6 for free. (New: HALion 7, FM Lab, Tales) See if you have a free Grace Period update to Absolute 6 in your account
  15. LOVE LOST!  New sound pack for Strum GS-2 and AAS Player
  16. 감사합니다! 먼저 Sonokinetic Manager에 등록한 다음 Native Access에 등록합니다.
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