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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Waiting for the install/purchase code from EveryPlugin now.
  2. I've always said this is my top choice for a desert island only song to listen to. The studio version though.
  3. You may consider changing your signature once you are totally committed to Studio Wun. ?
  4. The Lovely Lady says I'm trying. ?
  5. Script for "Back To The Future: Bapu Style" Interior 20 Dec 2023: Installed! Roll credits
  6. Swat it up in Am Or was that supposed to be Tw@t?
  7. Have you tried mind expanding substances?
  8. My RME's were great. Just not the right amount of line outs vs. Apollo. Fortunately, my ASUS i9-10900K mobo uses an ASUS addon TB3 card. The mobo is Win 11 compatible. So my Win 11 upgrade will be painless when I do it. Seems like I finally did something right.
  9. I have no problems with all my DAWs except one niggle in ProTools. PT will not operate for me with my interface (Apollo) buffers over 1024. All the others work perfectly at 2048.
  10. I only record in Studio One Pro 6.x Occasionally I record in CbB
  11. Bapu

    1 4 Kenny

    Is Molly the bass player?
  12. I can say without reservation that all my DAW products (CbB, Studio One, Reason, Bitwig, Cubase, Digital Performer, Mixbus/Mixbus 32C, Reaper and ProTools) have pluses and minuses of somewhat eqaul measure (just not the same ones). Each one has its use for me and I use them when I need to.
  13. I got the $249 price now. I will sell one of my vouchers for 10 plugins and 10 masters. In the most usual place.
  14. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. ?
  15. @cclarry or anyone, I already have a discounted yearly MEGA XXL ($199), can I purchase another now at the yearly $249 now and it be the successor to my current Mega XXL?
  16. These were "pretty, pretty good" (to quote my mate @Fleer) - AMEK Mastering Compressor ($399) - Kiive Xtressor ($149) - bx_masterdesk Pro ($349) - Brainworx bx_clipper ($249) - VacAttack Rack Emulation ($249) - bx_console AMEK 200 ($399)
  17. Yessir, it's reasonable description of how it's done. Basically Pipeline XT is on the Master Bus. It's majik!
  18. Makes the master bus betterer (or so I'm told).
  19. Oh, so now we're supposed to evaluate on being *good*? I'll probably come in last in that game.
  20. To quote The Big Lebowski: "That's a bummer, man"
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