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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. So it's pretty, pretty good?
  2. Being a singer, that may be waaaaaaay to technical.
  3. I'll wait for the group buy on this one. I constantly hover around 7% in orange slices so $92.07 is not very enticing for a flute I don't really need right now.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5zETQniw8o
  5. And they haven't sold out to InMusic either.
  6. Bapu

    Gone Again!

    He has P.T. Po Tential
  7. I get that way on Black Friday in the Deals forum.
  8. Bapu

    Gone Again!

    Has anyone seen Lars?
  9. I saw that lineup from the 5th row at the L.A. Forum in Inglewood, CA 15 March 1972 We (my drummer and I) were situated between Rick and Chris with a clear view of Alan.
  10. Show me yours and I'll show you mine, paulo. Wait, that did not come out right.
  11. Technically I bought some with aftermarket F29 vouchers. As Of today I own it all. I also bought the $300 MEGA XXL for $200 (with an Avid Inner Circle $100 discount) and so next year I'll be able to pick out 10 of the 2024 releases with my year paid in advance voucher.
  12. They say he is Geert Wilders, but I doan believe it.
  13. Bapu

    Human Crime

    Our song was given feedback live by Warren Huart on Produce Like A Pro on Youtube today. His comments were (production wise) add a little more width and maybe some low end on the kick. Regarding the song, he was really impressed with it. The production constructive comments by the users were pretty much in line with Warren. The coolest part of this is they are now doing Zoom with the submitter. He asks interactive questions about the song and after playing it through he gives his comments directly to the submitter.
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