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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. My single Faderport works in SO4P, Reaper and Mixbus32c. Has anyone got the Faderport 16 working in CbB? I know it's (obviously) supported in SO4P as well as Mixbus32c. I'll have to verify Reaper supports it now too before I pull the trigger on it.
  2. I had a meal with Julibee. Drops mic. Walks away.
  3. I cheated death today so far
  4. Or "free" with already paid for serials. ?
  5. Ya, Frontier is naiz. I got it free when I bought Repeater a couple years back.
  6. When/if I hang it up, my children will inherit some nice stuff. Assuming I don't need the cash for medical bills that is.
  7. Bapu

    Not a song

    Maybe add some drums, guitars, vocals etc. and Bob's your uncle.
  8. So is where I'll be in 15 years? ?
  9. Wanker bass player dinnit know what he was doing. That's fixed now.
  10. AEA R-84 Ribbon mic. It suits my voice best. Other decent mics I have for vocal are: 1x AKG C414 B-ULS (Transformerless mod). This one seems best on female vocals 1x AKG SolidTube. If I did not have my AEA R-84 I'd use this one for me.
  11. Paulo, I'm perfectly aware of what I dropped. The ball. Long ago.
  12. Zacto. The inmates are running the asylum. (and making up rules to boot)
  13. Strange, in person Noel freely talked about Reaper and Studio One and did not once slam either one.
  14. Bapu

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    I never imported ST2 libs into ST3. Man is my work cut out for me when ST4 MAx arrives on the USB stick.
  15. Bapu

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    <taps foot at mailbox for ST4 MAX on USB stick to arrive>
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