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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. The correlation between becan and the coffee house borders on 110%
  2. 99% of all headaches are "in the head", or so I'm told
  3. They are not quite as comfy as the HD600s but certainly little more comfy than the ATH-50s. So for mixing they might be a welcome change. The nice thing is the sonarworks unique profile is internet accessible and thus downloadable to my machine. So, in time I can pass these in to whomever and they can either use them as regular cans or as sonarwrks cans with the profile.
  4. Have not tried them yet. But i ready own HD600s so i expect these to just as nice these being HD598s.
  5. I got my new cans yesterday. Finally. They tried to deliver monday but no one was home.
  6. Got it yesterday, was too busy to report in.
  7. I prefer becan whiff becan if you please
  8. The Lovely Lady says I Am prehistoric porn.
  9. Noted and purchased.
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