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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. 1. It has real knobs to control the channel strip 2. The channel strip is an SSL 4000 console 3. They have other consoles available (for a price of course) If none of the above are desired by you, then there is no advantage.
  2. Just watched the vid from AES. If I was in the market for a controller (and didn't own the FP16 already) I would be stoked to get this. But for now I can live with my FP16 and my Console 1.
  3. Bapu

    Cubase 10 Pro for free

    It may be a while before I use it Zo, but I'll try to remember to give that a go and report back.
  4. Bapu

    Cubase 10 Pro for free

    When I registered 9.5 it automatically became 10 in the elicenser. Pretty cool.
  5. Because I'm just now registering my 9.5 Pro crossgrade. See ya in the funny papers.
  6. Then I'm twice as happy. I have the FP16.
  7. It's out now. Purchased->Downloaded->Installed. Done and Done.
  8. ^ A fun time travel vid two steps up.
  9. You're no Mike Pence, that's for sure. Oh wait, your wife is with you the whole time. My bad.
  10. I recently picked up a Presonus AudioBox for under $100USD. I don't record with it yet but I have used it to playback/export.
  11. Go get it from your backup. Ducks head and exits through the side door.
  12. Containing my excitement Am a sure fired way to get 'all backed up'.
  13. Hey Tom, We were in the same place at the same time. That is where I saw Blind Faith too. I had floor seats.
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