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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Do I *need* this? With my $60 refund from Steinie this would only cost me $90.
  2. Bapu

    cubase 10.5 released

    I needed to R.A.A.
  3. Bapu

    cubase 10.5 released

    And... it's running fine too. Run as admin. DOH!!!
  4. Bapu

    cubase 10.5 released

    Just discovered i was due for a grace period coverage for the update. CS submitted a request for refund. YAY Christmas came early for moi.
  5. Bapu

    cubase 10.5 released

    My e licenser is updated to 10.5, and of course I've installed 10.5. Upon startup I get to ARA scanning VSTs an boom. The splash screen shuts down and Cubase never starts up. It's not in Task Manager either. arrrrrgh.
  6. Bapu


    David, One of your best so far.
  7. Agreed. Nothing more need be said. Except I hope he found the strongest soap to wash away that pain.
  8. Tom, Up the bass and the kick ? Cool song, love the harp.
  9. That was a fun romp Lasse.
  10. Really like the groove Freddy. Agree with Daryl about the vox level. IMO 1db lower would be "just right" as goldilocks would say.
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