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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Even with the mixer in fully expanded mode everything is still pretty small as compared to SO4P or Reaper or CbB. That would take some getting used to for me. Maybe I'd need to change my resolution when in Mixing mode.
  2. Hah! The one thing I didn't try.
  3. I agree. Just played with for about thirty minutes. Maybe it's just me or my Monitor (30" Dell at 2560x1600) but the Mixer should be allowed to be taller. It seemed a bit scrunched height wise. Maybe I missed some settings?
  4. I intend to play with this more on the weekend but I can say this about Studio One's arranger track: While in playback I can copy a section and insert it just a few bars ahead on the play head without a glitch in sound. IMO, Studio One's audio engine is marvelous to work in while in real time playback. And I'm on a 6 year old mobo/cpu.
  5. Well someone has to ask for a Hover Car, why not me? I hope we get Hover Car.
  6. Tried that but your <insert significant other pronoun> said you didn't deserve it. <insert significant other pronoun> seems to have kept it.
  7. Plus juan bad juan
  8. Bapu

    Covid 20

    For Covid-20 we all will need a better hovercar than that, but it's a start.
  9. Too bad I already own the full suite. Wait...that hasn't stopped me from double buying in the past, why now?
  10. And of course it's like getting the DAW for free. ?
  11. Well, I did some pricing and for me to upgrade to Spectral Layers 6 ($199 form 4) and Sound Forge 14 ($199) it would cost me more than the price of Pro X5 Suite upgrade (which only contains SL 6 free upgrade to 7 and SF 13). So I sheepishly say, my CC balance has now increased by $249. ?
  12. Alembics are, IMO, in sound class all their own. My Series I has the Rickenbacker like stereo out feature (both pups have their own discrete output). I send those to my Alembic F2B preamp (2 channel Fender Showman inspired design, IIRC). The Series I and Series II are active electronics. I'm a big Stanley Clark fan and that is what prompted me to seek out my Alembic bass. I paid $700 along with Rickenbacker for it in 1977. Eve in my roughest financial times (and I've had a couple) I've never even given a thought to selling my Alembic. My son will inherit it along with all my other basses and guitars when I leave this life.
  13. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/ALEMBIC/Vintage-1976-SERIES-I-Electric-Bass-Guitar-116257656.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWRWXMP&msclkid=c84ae55fffb61240621abbf615815380&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=[ADL] [GC] [PLA] [Shopping] - (Bass) - {GQ} - [Used]&utm_term=4578091567463977&utm_content={GQ} Bass (Used) (GC) (Bing)&adlclid=ADL-e29999a3-e4aa-4ffc-92ad-2b4a84d5aa6e This is exactly my model and year (my wood, on the left, is bit richer looking though).
  14. Bill has me running around like a one armed paper hanger.
  15. "Please sir, can I have some more?" ~Oliver Twist
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