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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. MODO drums works on my PC but not on my Dual Zenon MacPro.
  2. Yes, but support sorted it out for me.
  3. And that list has not even been updated all year. There's at least 1 or 2 items to add. ?
  4. Who's Wane and what does he have to do with my creativity as I age?
  5. "Verrrrrrrrry Niiiiiiiiice", Borat
  6. I bought the last two pedals I did not own with the second use of the $20 voucher. Really they were free. Now if Black Friday would get here with the AMEK console on sale for 50+ % off I'll be set with all the PA plugs I want.
  7. how many unique users in both threads?
  8. @Peter - IK Multimedia To confirm, that will be 8:59PM on the west coast, right? I'll stand by what the counter says at that time.
  9. I truly hope that @Peter - IK Multimedia will tell us what the actual freebie count was at the formal cutoff today/tonight as I want so desperately to be 'right'. j/k
  10. Well, it's 'possible' I could be right (I won't call it a win) because today (the end of September) is not over yet.
  11. @Peter - IK Multimedia So if we actually get over 25K (i.e. 25,001 or greater) does every unique individual who signed up get a free pair of iLoud MTMs? Seems only fair to me.
  12. Rookie programming mistakes really annoy me (even when I make them).
  13. I only bought in twice and I now own everything and so far I have 25 freebies I cannot use. Dang, I should have only bought in once. So to everybody here: You're welcome!
  14. I'm already wrong. The Lovely Lady tells me that daily.
  15. Groundhog Day. 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ,8, 8
  16. Any minute now it will be one toke over the line sweet Jaysus
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