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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. This seems a lot like the new Kit Plugins MO-EQ.
  2. I think the glasses guys all had a coded joke about Paul that Paul thinks is about something completely different, hence why they are all laughing.
  3. <taps wood> I've yet to have any problems with iLok (since 2007 IIRC) that were not user error and were user corrected. I spend the $30/year for their protection plan and I have a spare iLok on hand for just that purpose. Was that $30/year wasted? Here I quote the movie Heist in an exchange between Gene Hackman and Sam Rockwell: GH-You ever cheat on a woman? Something, stand her up, step out on her? SR-What? GH-Ever do that? SR-Yeah. GH-Did you have an excuse? SR-Yeah. GH-What if she didn't ask? Was your alibi a waste of time?
  4. So I can use Jampoints? And no WUP or dongle. Fleer is all over it.
  5. With my orange slices + CC points and the fact that it's the only guitar I don't own in the full Guitar Bundle, my price is $69.71 . Schweeeeeeet Dealio.
  6. Finally, something I've got the belly for.
  7. I for a moment read that as C-Clarity <shuffles off to get eyes checked>
  8. Same $59 on Audified site. But of course if you have virtual cash stacked up in the corner....
  9. The second studio I ever recorded in was in Redondo Beach, CA and the guy used two of those in his mixing booth (which as about 8'x20').
  10. I actually don't do that, but since COVID I've probably wore 'real' shoes maybe twice or three time. During the day it's Ugg type slippers and if I do go out into the world it's sandals. I find shoes really constrictive now.
  11. Waking up each day and realizing I'm on top of the dirt. Priceless.
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