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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Why? BandLab bought the assets (and IIRC not all assets and thus not every Gibson/Cakewalk add on is available in CbB). They did not buy the company (and thus did not assume the debt/liabilities/company promises). That is just sooooooooo simple to digest, but in today's society many people, IMO, look for "conspiracy" or "injustice" in things that are just there upon close rational examination. I too once thought I read CbB would be free forever. I was proved wrong. That was never stated (the forever part). I bought Gibson's Lifetime plan. I have zero regrets for that. I don't feel burnt, betrayed or broken up about it. I made that choice and Gibson made their choice. End of.
  2. TT support says there is nothing to be done. I essentially cannot geta 'discount' or get a future serial # for the freebie. My only other option would be to 'sell' (for the $15 transfer fee) one pack and then replace it with my 'freebie'. Too much of a hassle.
  3. u m key-wrecked. I had a bad Thur- Sat. No time for true lurking here.
  4. I love when an amp goes to 11.
  5. $269 (NOS) has just made my MKII worth about a negative dollar four eighty.
  6. The Monkees and Ziggy Marly's Spiders From Marz Volta I'll me coat
  7. Rush Against The (Tin) Machine <--- that there is my first thruple
  8. The Hendrix Cream Experience (that really happened)
  9. Yup, first world problem.
  10. Dave, cover up your fog with this:
  11. And this from 1953 (the year I was born)
  12. Interesting. I might demo it.
  13. Cold and heartless I Am. Get better soon @bitflipper.
  14. Perfectly Edible Nutritious Is Snacks.
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