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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Yup, I own it already. It's a cool plugin.
  2. I qualify for a "Pick any 3 plugins for $29.99 each" monthly loyalty coupon. No telling how long that will last since I'm typically only spending my 4EVAH29 on a monthly basis (unless a flash voucher get's me something for less). [edit] I should have said I can pick 1, 2 or 3 plugins. It's not just 3.
  3. @jesse g I've updated my stereo signal chain I have 2 each LA-610 -> KT 2A (LA-2A clone) -> Lin76 (1176 clone) -> EQ-81 MK3 - all patch in bay so I can reconfigure easily The Lin76s used to be 76 KTs BTW the EQ-81s are brilliant.
  4. Needlepoint was $49 today, mine for $24. Not the greatest bargain, but I'm ok with that for now since the best I would have been able to do was 2EVAH29. I'm off to buy an $8 burger to make me feel 'right'.
  5. Bapu

    Installed! (DUH) - $23

  6. It def has colors (Blue, Gray, White and Yellow to be exact).
  7. I'm on the slate subscription, maybe it means more tools for that I may not own.
  8. I found this in a search for "music composition compensation". "Salaries also vary because many composers work freelance or contract assignments as opposed to, or in addition to, steady employment. A music director role is one of the most common jobs related to music composition. Music directors nationally earn on average $35,519 per year."
  9. Nice tunes. Yup, your sound has changed. Congrats on all the changes Nigel.
  10. I did some re-mixing on a song that was done entirely in SO5. No problems here.
  11. As far as guitars go, I see the requisite list as an LP, Strat & Tele. I have the JTV Variax modelling guitar for "off the wall stuff" such as a sitar and acoustics (6 and 12 string).
  12. One other plug hung. Skipped it. After scan completed, shut down SO6 and restarted. Both plugs were picked up. Tomorrow will be my fist test of opening an existing project to how everything flies.
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