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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. That was me. Even Noel himself questioned the need for so many.
  2. It was probably me, but not meant as a ridicule. I typically say "amateur" followed by a ?
  3. We use that term here two me old mucker.
  4. I prefer to wear a McGriddle
  5. BTW I'm not just a VST hoarder there is this 500 Series Rack And my 2 Recording Chains: And my Successor: This is my guitar pedal board: And my bass Pedal Board
  6. I also have this bad boy for either Drum Bus Mixdown, Bass Bus Mixdown or Vocal Bus Mixdown: And then there is the modified rack too:
  7. Studio One and ProTools do that. It's really helpful.
  8. CbB reports exactly 5K, but Studio One reports 3196K. I forget what Reaper and the other DAWs report. Both count the 59 UAD plugs that I don't own, 26 of which I own other vendors native versions (Softube, Plugin Alliance, Audified and IKM).
  9. And even though he's passed on, space_cowboy still outnumbers me I'm sure.
  10. I long for one of those. Just to experience it to check it off my list.
  11. Ya, me hip is out of joint tho.
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