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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I wanted to replace my mid-grade drum overhead mics to these: But I got this instead: First off I, got mine brand new for $954 with tax and shipping on reverb.com. Why would I get one mic in place of two? Well on deep dive the Sphere can actually operate as a stereo mic when positioned directly between the front and back capsule. And, the software emulates the Coles, so I 'get' the Coles sound for less than a third of the price. And I get to sell my two Sennheiser condenser mics for a little mo9re cash back.
  2. Not sure. I couldn't stop talking long enough to find out. ?
  3. Heck, at one point the camera is on her, you hear her vocal but her lips don't move. Sheesh.
  4. These are the things I'd most likely use in K14 CE KONTAKT 7 $299.00 ACTION STRINGS 2 $299.00 SESSION GUITARIST - ELECTRIC MINT $99.00 SESSION BASSIST - PRIME BASS $99.00 CHOIR - OMNIA $399.00 Just under $1100 for $499 is not bad, but for $250 would be primo. BTW these are useless to me (the first two I never wanted, the others I already have): LO-FI-AF* $149.00 KNIFONIUM* $299.00 BX_CRISPYTUNER* $399.00 BX_CONSOLE FOCUSRITE SC* $349.00 BX_LIMITER TRUE PEAK* $299.00 BX_CONSOLE N* $299.00 BX_OBERHAUSEN* $249.00 I already own 20 ADVANCED: OZONE 10 STANDARD* $249.00
  5. I'm on K13 Collectors Edition. My upgrade price is $499 for K14 CE.
  6. Well, I already bought a cart rack to put my two rack mounted drawers in. That freed up 8 spaces in one of my main racks, which I've filled. ?
  7. I am so surprised that I eiether never saw that email or I never followed up on it. Saul Goodman now.
  8. Crazy Daisy Pricing for me. Why would I buy the bundle when I can complete it with just buying the Model 84?
  9. I own the LX480 (full) and Sonsig and my price is the same.
  10. I've been told I have enough basses. And enough guitars too. Who told me that? Why The Lovely Lady (she who must be obeyed). I am thinking about trading off the Squier Fretless Jazz for an Epi 335 in cherry red.
  11. I would like to mention that I don't eliminate duplicates. So my 5K reported by CbB is def filled with some thinks like multiple Izotope's (RX-7, 8. 9 and 10; all advanced. Or Ozone 7, 8, 9 and 10). So yeah, my 5K on CbB is probably more like a true 4K (or maybe even the ~3.1K reported by Studio One). My 32bit plugs (exactly 19 are installed ) are not counted in any DAW because I never point my DAWs to that "Program Files (x86)\vstplugins" folder. I've long since stopped bridging 32bit plugins.
  12. Nice! Enjoy Doc. I don't know what it is, but I've never got on with Ibanez basses. I've tried. Just never happened.
  13. "I'm paulo and I aprrove this ad"
  14. $199 is still not low enough to upgrade to Samplitude Pro X. I just don't use it.
  15. I'm not familiar with that one. What brand is it Doc?
  16. My friend at dinner last night ordered pepperoni pizza topped french fries.
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