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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Well, I already bought a cart rack to put my two rack mounted drawers in. That freed up 8 spaces in one of my main racks, which I've filled. ?
  2. I am so surprised that I eiether never saw that email or I never followed up on it. Saul Goodman now.
  3. Crazy Daisy Pricing for me. Why would I buy the bundle when I can complete it with just buying the Model 84?
  4. I own the LX480 (full) and Sonsig and my price is the same.
  5. I've been told I have enough basses. And enough guitars too. Who told me that? Why The Lovely Lady (she who must be obeyed). I am thinking about trading off the Squier Fretless Jazz for an Epi 335 in cherry red.
  6. I would like to mention that I don't eliminate duplicates. So my 5K reported by CbB is def filled with some thinks like multiple Izotope's (RX-7, 8. 9 and 10; all advanced. Or Ozone 7, 8, 9 and 10). So yeah, my 5K on CbB is probably more like a true 4K (or maybe even the ~3.1K reported by Studio One). My 32bit plugs (exactly 19 are installed ) are not counted in any DAW because I never point my DAWs to that "Program Files (x86)\vstplugins" folder. I've long since stopped bridging 32bit plugins.
  7. Nice! Enjoy Doc. I don't know what it is, but I've never got on with Ibanez basses. I've tried. Just never happened.
  8. "I'm paulo and I aprrove this ad"
  9. $199 is still not low enough to upgrade to Samplitude Pro X. I just don't use it.
  10. I'm not familiar with that one. What brand is it Doc?
  11. My friend at dinner last night ordered pepperoni pizza topped french fries.
  12. That was me. Even Noel himself questioned the need for so many.
  13. It was probably me, but not meant as a ridicule. I typically say "amateur" followed by a ?
  14. We use that term here two me old mucker.
  15. I prefer to wear a McGriddle
  16. BTW I'm not just a VST hoarder there is this 500 Series Rack And my 2 Recording Chains: And my Successor: This is my guitar pedal board: And my bass Pedal Board
  17. I also have this bad boy for either Drum Bus Mixdown, Bass Bus Mixdown or Vocal Bus Mixdown: And then there is the modified rack too:
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