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Lemar Sain

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Everything posted by Lemar Sain

  1. Also Blue Cat plugins have been recently updated. Including the free bundle. Changes in Blue Cat’s Free Plugins Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets. Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition). New high resolution graphics for knobs. Reduced disk footprint. Misc DSP performance enhancements. Windows: Improved GUI loading performance. Mac Audio Unit: Fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule). Mac: Fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays. Mac: Fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values. Mac: Fixed mouse cursor flickering issues. Mac: Fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog. Blue Cat’s Gain Suite 3.32: Reduced memory footprint when using many instances in a session.
  2. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing. These type of situations don't always workout for the best. We'll see...finger crossed...?... Today we proudly announce the acquisition of @Loopmasters and their family of brands, including Loopcloud and @PluginBoutique . More details here: https://btprt.dj/5755xq https://btprt.dj/5755xq#https://www.beatportal.com/feed-beatportal/beatport-acquires-loopmasters/
  3. Blob Opera Create your own opera inspired song with Blob Opera - no music skills required ! A machine learning experiment by David Li in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture https://artsandculture.google.com/experiment/blob-opera/AAHWrq360NcGbw?cp=e30.&fbclid=IwAR24GSBlYaObgwNV-DhhWcoGDNz7hLhmclcEFeJ-rwsaBNsj2SnFbsyobyw
  4. The simple interface reminds me more of Waves RVox New GUI RVox was recently free so if you missed it this might be a good alternative.
  5. Free for limited time Features Super simple vocal limiting 4 speed modes Input & Output gain sliders Real-time VU metering Pop & click free bypass Responsive & CPU friendly Factory presets https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/vocal-limiter
  6. Thanks I did uninstall 1st. Previous version loads without error on reinstall . The missing dll is in the program folder. Tried registering the dll but no luck.
  7. Anyone else getting this error message?
  8. Yeah, remember when vst's would max out at 128 presets
  9. Think of it like this, You spent about $1.25 a year for early access. ?
  10. 9 Freebies so far! https://www.ghosthack.de/adventcalendar2020/ New Freebies, Actions, Tutorials and Offers Every Day Until the 24th of December! To finish this tough year on a high note we want to give back to all the producers and filmmakers out there! As the year comes to an end, we want to thank you for all the support in the last year! We have loved to hear your stories - your successes and your challenges alike. We have always loved to help and encourage you along your journey. The past year was hard and hurt pretty bad leaving many of us without the means for extraordinary producing equipment. Therefore, we decided to bring you all the tools to excel in your creative outlet this coming winter! Don't forget to come back every day to find freebies, surprises and special deals until the 24th of December. Hint hint: you won't be finding no socks or itchy sweaters in these gifts! We wish you happy holidays and a creative and healthy new 2021! ♥ Christoph, Katrin, Will and the whole Ghosthack family
  11. Even if you only have the free player, you can still use it do demo all the free sounds. Keep the ones you like for when you do decide to upgrade. Plus right now full Kontakt is %50 off. Plus if you register a free licensed product you get an added cross-grade discount. The access to the mountains of free stuff alone makes it a worth while purchase.
  12. A Free Pack of Instruments consisting of 17 different Kontakt Instruments: uBEAT Elektro Lite, Hip-Hop Lite, Hybrid Lite, Drones: Vol 1, Trailer Hits: Vol 1 AND NOW 12 LITE VERSIONS OF OUR LIMITED EDITION PRODUCTS! Fully Functional and ready to use in your productions Full version of KONTAKT version 5.7.3 or higher is recommended. https://www.umlautaudio.com/products/free-pack?utm_medium=ppc&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=clique-retargeting-freepack-conversions&utm_content=customerlist-dc&utm_term=freepackads&fbclid=IwAR0KlJXfKh4qdRkd8gqfe0fDuAIPIDAWDUY82pWklpfCA38ZuqKTlpysG4U
  13. Loopcloud for me. I organize my folders by source/label then let the app do most of the heavy lifting.
  14. Was getting 503 error message. Now I'm getting this. This website is under heavy load (queue full) We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later. Guess the secrets out. Too many customers is a good problem to have though.
  15. Turns out that nearly half of the these are not in the the app (or not yet at least) and it seems like they're planning to update sounds weekly. So plenty of new sounds to check out.
  16. BandLab Sounds launches with 10,000+ free sounds BandLab has announced the launch of BandLab Sounds, the latest addition to its expansive creator-empowering toolkit. The Sounds service provides limitless access to an extensive royalty-free sample library with 10,000+ sounds to choose from, all for free. https://www.bandlab.com/sounds/home Each pack is crafted by artists and professional sound designers, with featured packs by Arabian Prince, Tasha Catour, Youngr, Joe Ford, Martin Badder and Kove. The BandLab Sounds library will include packs, loops and one-shots, with new sounds added weekly. All samples are uncompressed (.wav) and royalty-free. They can be downloaded via web or mobile and are compatible with all major DAWs.
  17. OBXD works. Ignore the price and click the OS icons to download. Fixed links for Synth1 can be found here (same source)
  18. I think so. The one you previously ordered will be grayed out from the choices in you cart
  19. ADSR 20 Designers for 2020 ADSR’s 20 Sound Designers for 2020 highlights 20 sound design labels that have been driving trends and getting noticed. Each one of these nominated labels has been hand-picked by the ADSR team as ‘one to watch’. The list includes both veterans and newcomers to the sound design industry and each and every one of them is a creative powerhouse bringing fresh vibes to the music community. Get to know the designers and get a taste for their unique style and stellar quality with a label sampler curated exclusively for ADSR. https://www.adsrsounds.com/vendor/adsr-20-designers-for-2020/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20 Free Sounds - ASB - SPIKE&utm_content=Cymatics v1&fbclid=IwAR0Tt9qcvglJ8DFGL2CVpdkOKJd2AGflZuER9NNOcJZXST7rDS6fstJkRRY
  20. Can't say which is the best but at the moment this one is probably the cheapest.
  21. These all have serial numbers. These all have serial numbers. Which should mean, not only will they work the free Kontakt player but should also qualify you for a discount on the full version of Kontakt if registered.
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