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Lemar Sain

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Everything posted by Lemar Sain

  1. Lemar Sain

    Melda 39

    I kinda see your point. Except for the it doesn't help the forum part, as the 20% discount is legit and would help any new costumer. The code I used as new customer was some random code on twitter. Which bothered me none as it did provide said discount, which was great for me as well as the original poster. As far as spam, I'm not the original poster and am just trying to add value to current deal. But in the future to avoid issues I will add a disclaimer of sorts. So no problem. ?
  2. Lemar Sain

    Melda 39

    New customers can use code MELDA5622285 (or any current customer's referral code) for an EXTRA 20% off! This helps me/us as well.
  3. I've picked up several of their products. Very nice ambient sounds and textures. Also some nice bread and butter sounds too. Very cinematic sound over all. If you can catch them, the sales prices (like this one) are ridiculous!...but VERY worth it.
  4. I got that as well. I also predicted Loopclouds move to subscription last month or so...Now this??
  5. Get FORTE 10 Basic for FREE. Only until Sept. 8th. Usually it is $24. Get the full version of FORTE 10 Basic music notation software! No strings attached whatsoever. https://www.fortenotation.com/en/giveaway/?fbclid=IwAR0TouKUaUiZDbrm8uXlLqmYnCTYpzXGshQoElXBasOf4OWxwWQoOr_a-bE
  6. PS. Most importantly ....avoid any post by CCLARRY in a deals section of a forum!!! LOL! ?
  7. Small indie developer with some pretty good plugs. Seems like a really cool guy too. I've been grabbing a plug or 2 here and there when they go on sale. If just to support his efforts.
  8. Eeeeeeeverybody is going subscription nowadays. Loopcloud just went sub based Monday. Even companies with limited content are trying to jump on the bandwagon. Not a fan.
  9. These one year upgrade cycles are almost as bad as subscriptions.
  10. Thanks. Thought was going crazy there for a sec ...lol!
  11. Didn't the quantize resolution use to go to 64 triplet? I hope I'm not imagining this.
  12. Sale ending after this weekend. New users use code above for and EXTRA 20% off
  13. I did a ram diagnostic with no errors found. Though I can't reproduce it on the fly it does seem to happen after editing clips. Paste, move, slip edits etc. Press play and freeze.
  14. Turns out my crashes (app freezes) were random. Though less frequent, they still persist in the hotfix. I did manage to get a dump file this time through the task manager. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ga_G0rNJhXlXYRdXCIC90JHIXVdLKT3P
  15. Yes, a lot of us can say this about many plugs now....and you're partially too blame. Thanks CCLarry. lol! ? Transfuser is pretty cool though. Fun fact, it can be used as an FX plugin as well as an insrtrument.
  16. Getting crashes with simple copy and paste special with midi.
  17. Use code : MELDA5622285 Get an extra 20% off
  18. Thanks guys. With soooo many to choose from, I was hoping someone could narrow things down a bit to some of the better selections.
  19. Sounds like a minimoog bass played as a lead. There's a similar sound in Z3ta+ Muz3um free expasion pack. Bass = minimoog 17. Some mild tweaking should get you closer to that sound.
  20. Ran into the same problem. Running a dual cpu 12core Xeon system. Older machine but still has some kick, was an upgrade from my core 2 quad system (ran like a champ). Not looking to buy a new machine anytime soon. Not just for a single synth especially.
  21. Cool theme. The vibe feels like Protools and Digital Performer had a baby.
  22. Thank you sir. I do indeed dabble. ?
  23. IK Multimedia offers Syntronik Bully FREE to newsletter subscribers May 13, 2019 0 IK Multimedia has announced that its newsletter subscribers can get the Syntronik Bully instrument for free for a limited time. Syntronik Bully comes with 100 instruments, comprising 1+ GB of content and over 1,000 samples. Syntronik’s Bully recreates the thunderous bass sounds of the Moog Taurus series. This organ pedal-style synthesizer is a much-treasured chapter in synthesizer history. The first version of the Taurus became an instant classic in the mid-70s with its distinctive oscillator detuning and unique-sounding sawtooth waveforms. The Taurus II, was based on the Moog Rogue and was never as popular despite much added functionality. IK newsletter subscribers or those who join the newsletter can get the Syntronik Bully instrument for free through May 23rd, 2019 (49.99 EUR/USD value). The instrument will be unlocked inside of Syntronik after logging into the Custom Shop and clicking ‘Restore my Sounds’ to activate it. Existing newsletter subscribers must enter their User Area, where a pop-up window will show a red REDEEM button. More information: IK Multimedia https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=7715
  24. This is an awesome way to get some plugins, tutorials and gigs of sample collections on the cheap.
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