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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. Interesting... I much prefer the Studio One UI over Sonar
  2. I agree Zo, I was hoping they would continue giving older plugins the same treatment they gave IR1 and Q10
  3. I also noticed this cap doesn't really work for updating already WUPed plugins. Has there ever been word about what V10 actually brought to the table? Besides nothing at all?
  4. Same boat here gentlemen. I would probably jump on this if I was new to the plugin game. I kinda wanna get rid of most of the plugins I've gotten that way.
  5. Is that some kind of new plugin I should know about?
  6. Just asked about my price to update to Horizon... why do I do this???
  7. Pretty disappointing to me. Just another month of nothing new for AD.
  8. I see now... So it's the Plugin Collective and the Sound Collective... which are not the same thing.
  9. Shoot... I think I spoke too soon. I thought this was the Focusrite collective. I'm still seeing the Sonarworks demo deal.
  10. I'm going to audio school right now and we're using Trigger 2. Anyone use this or have anything else better to suggest?
  11. Pretty steep upgrade price considering I've only had FX Pro for a few months
  12. This is the second course: https://www.waves.com/courses/soundgrid-201 No extra prizes for this one.
  13. Maybe one of my favourite plugins
  14. Yeah, I registered both ? Thanks for that link!
  15. Do any of you wonderful people know if you can transfer copies of Melodyne Essential to someone else? I have two copies of Essential and I'm looking to give it to a friend. If anyone has done this, I'd love to know how. Thanks!
  16. This one got me. Went with Electric 88 and Flow
  17. I kinda wonder how many people, like myself, have adpaks waiting in the bank to be filled. I've had some stuff just waiting on new releases. If they have a bunch of people in the same boat maybe they're reluctant to release more adpaks?
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