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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. I always wonder why there aren't non-proprietary outboard DSP unit. Seems like the ability to run VSTs from multiple vendors would have a serious market.
  2. Whoa... I thought it looked nice but then, you say HoW MuCh?? Also, apparently it's just for eMotion LV1. So no DAW integration at all.
  3. What's with all these teaser trailers lately? This ain't Star Wars
  4. Definitely... I've called the authorities... REPENT!!
  5. One thing is certain... It won't be part of any bundles I have WUP for!
  6. I really like it. I also have Amplitube. Part of me prefers the 'actual' amp controls like Amplitube but Bias FX sounds quite good. (For the record so does Amplitube)
  7. Does the email give a date range for qualifying purchases?
  8. Indeed!! Happy New Year everyone!!
  9. If you were just starting out on your plugin purchasing journey, this would be an amazing start!
  10. I really enjoy Electric 200 and Electric 88
  11. This is how I use it and, to me, it's pretty great. I use it for gain-staging plugins in Studio One. As mibby said there is a mini version that you can have open on every channel, which is great. I've never really considered the accuracy. I figure since I'm only comparing the VU to other versions of the same plugin it shouldn't matter. Any one wanna explain why it might?
  12. I don't get this... I'd have to listen when I EQ...
  13. Super easy to load your own impulses which is cool!
  14. Studio One 4.6 is out! Get it while it's hot
  15. Cool they did this and didn't feel the need to charge. I love AAS! Although, I don't really need this feature because they're big enough. ?
  16. I chose Brauer Motion and it seems pretty cool!
  17. Managed to get this and upgrade my AR bundle to v11 for $21!
  18. I'm running v9 v10 and v11 plugs with no issues whatsoever
  19. I upgraded to Horizon through Koby... $150 That's something like 18 new plugins
  20. Hey are bundle upgrades only for currently wupped stuff?
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