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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. That guy deserves a raise because it made everything look Mickey Mouse.
  2. I got Horizon probably about 2 years ago and not a single thing has been added in that time, as far as I recall. Not even close to worth it.
  3. I have the winder, works well, but man is that thing loud and squeaky!
  4. oh wow.... 114 We're cooking EDIT: Back to 149 lol
  5. If you're on Windows 10.... WinKey+Shift+S lets you snip a part of your screen (or the whole thing).
  6. Wow, that escalated quickly into irrelevant territory...
  7. @Peter - IK Multimedia Hey, I doubt this is the right place to ask, but here I go anyway... I would love a way to lock the output level in Amplitube standalone. I find I have to turn down by 5 or 6db for every single preset, despite my input level looking normal. It makes scrolling presets much more tedious than it needs to be, imo.
  8. I always think being at these recordings would be so strange. No mics, no instruments plugged in, pure hi-hat and snare, lol
  9. Keep in mind you can try them all using the Custom Shop and decide from there. That said, if I could only pick one, it would be Fender (ok, ok, that's two)
  10. I agree this is a total no brainer. Very fun delay.
  11. It was here.... Good luck finding it!
  12. I think it's great ? It also works in reverse and helps you see what you are missing from the Amplitude collection much easier.
  13. That's a weird way to say "I'm auditioning for Sonic Youth"
  14. I strongly doubt they are going to change the rules of the GB at this point.
  15. With the right eye, this could be sensual.
  16. Yeah, I think it must be stuck at 417
  17. Oh geez... I just heard the my pillow guy is about to have a news conference about the IK counter
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