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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. If 3.5 adds the new stuff, I'm in!
  2. AVID = $$$ I mean come on Larry "It'S ThE InDusTry StaNdArD!!!1!!!"
  3. Dang... I must be a year older than I thought!
  4. They can't get any money outta me since they haven't added anything new in years.
  5. I think making it free would just make people not take it seriously. Look how much you get from Cakewalk, but it isn't taken seriously by most people, for some reason.
  6. This just in! Squier acquires Reaper!!
  7. Quick, someone upload all of TikTok onto one before we lose all that valuable information!
  8. I got this today. Turns out I have more Audio Thing plugins than I thought!
  9. If today the last day for GB picks, or is it the end of November?
  10. I must have too many plugins now because I used to be waiting on the plugin collective with baited breath and now I'm usually thinking "naw, I'd rather not give yet another company my email"
  11. Just as another data point... Amplitube 5 (newest version) loads and is playable in 6 seconds for me.
  12. Anyone know the price for Tracks Crossgrade? Doesn't show up for me as an option.
  13. I'd love to see an update to ReMatrix. Preset browser would be nice.
  14. One day they'll add one snare kitpiece
  15. I would just contact support and explain the situation. They've definitely been asked this exact question and should have an answer for you.
  16. Yay! Thanks IK! Thanks Peter! I couldn't have done it without you, guys!
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