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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. https://streamable.com/g0th1e EDIT: stupid non-embedded video
  2. I'm tempted with these 3 but can't help but think it's a waste...
  3. It's all about harmonic content. It doesn't really matter where it comes from, but it can make things sound better (or worse). I don't really think adding pleasant harmonic content like this is any different than any other way it's done. It's all about balancing frequencies at the end of the day. Different freqs for different freaks.
  4. I think these could be really cool on delay and reverb buses.
  5. But, also in practical terms, they definitely know if they work or not and are lying when they say they don't know.
  6. According to Waves, on their Facebook, they "don't know" if other versions with with Windows 11. What a crock...
  7. Until you get to where I am, after doing that for several version updates, my only upgrade option left is Mercury and that ain't happening.
  8. Well, that's about as lame as it gets. Think I'm done with waves now.
  9. Amazing! Thanks for confirming Brian.
  10. So you did end up with the full Syntronik Deluxe then? If so, that's the best!
  11. OK, so this has maybe been addressed already in this thread, but why not add another comment to get the post count even higher, right? Anyway, I'm checking my freebies to see what I'm going to get and one of the options I have is Syntronik Deluxe Upgrade. I'm confused by this because I don't actually have Syntronik. I do have maybe 4 of the instruments within Syntronik though. If I pick this option from my freebie list, I'm kinda wondering if I'll end up with Syntronik Deluxe or if I will have wasted a freebie because I don't have Syntronik to upgrade from? Anyone else in this situation and care to chime in?
  12. Dang, that really looks like a crime scene.
  13. Oh wow! Will the forum software be able to handle the weight of this thread?
  14. I dunno, I have a song right now with about 8 instances of Amplitube 5 running and tape machines as well. It really depends what the plugin is doing. I don't think it's fair to do a 1:1 comparison.
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