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Lost Phases

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Everything posted by Lost Phases

  1. Hello, I had the same issue about a year ago and I did find a solution, I didn't know others were facing similar issues until @Kinn2021 pinged me here, thanks for that btw. What I did was do a completely clean re-install of Cakewalk which means I also had to manually delete all the remaining registry keys left in the windows registry after I had uninstalled Cakewalk and all of it's addons. After doing that and reinstalling Cakewalk all the missing files for the prochannel modules appeared back. I don't why Cakewalk wouldn't install those missing files if those registry keys weren't deleted after uninstalling Cakewalk but that's what solved it for me. (I didn't have to delete any of the personal stuff like projects, personal templates, workspaces, theme files and all that, if anyone is wondering, I just copied them to a separate location like the Desktop and after reinstalling just put them back in their correct locations)
  2. I am having this same issue with one of my projects, it didn't use to appear earlier but now it does. What's even more funny is that if i close and reopen the project a few times the line disappears, but later on if i open the project again it appears. It basically comes and goes at this point and is occurring only in one particular project. The line seems to appear only in one specific location and between two specific time stamps in the project everytime it appears but is not fixed to any specific track, if i scroll through the Track View it remains fixed on the screen.
  3. Hmmmm....this looks interesting tbh...but then again u need to consider people with small laptop screens, like me...if all of it gets expanded when not in use then on laptop the faders will become too big to work with, coz rn only i need to scroll upwards in the console view to reveal the gain knobs, if it gets expanded even more it will become impossible to work in the console view, atleast for me. Ig there can be ways in which the fader length and meters and other console view sections can fit within a given visible space but ig that will need too much work rather than a few lines of code.
  4. When u start adding lots of fx in the fx rack then everything above the fx rack start to move upwards, for that the empty space is there ig.
  5. I think the Arppegiator plugin in Cakewalk is a midi plugin, u can only load it in midi tracks and it will work properly, if u try to load it onto an audio or vst instrument track it shows that error message when u open the interface telling that its missing or not properly installed while actually it's installed correctly but can only be used in midi tracks. I don't know why it hasn't been fixed that when u try to insert the midi plugins it shows that error message instead of showing something like "Cakewalk midi plugins can only be loaded on a midi track" or something like that.
  6. yes i know this, and i have to say this is honestly a really kool and handy feature.
  7. Hmmmm...so basically i need to buy any of those plugins and i will get their prochannel module versions along with the standard vst formats. Got it, thanks!
  8. Does anyone have any idea what is this pro-channel module is(marked in red) which shown in the picture on the Cakewalk by Bandlab website??...and this is the only one that I dont seem to have under my modules list in Cakewalk.
  9. There used to be a timer right above the arranger track right to the left of the Add Track and Duplicate Track buttons. It used to appear there b4 i reinstalled Cakewalk, can someone tell me the setting to enable it?
  10. Well, placing them in the VSTBitmapCache directory didn't help too. I finally gave in and did a complete fresh install of Cakewalk and all it's addons this morning. Took me about two hours to download and install everything again and restore all my user settings in Cakewalk as much as i could...but it did fix the issue with the prochannel module thumbnails. Thanks anyways for helping out
  11. So, anyone willing to share the VSTBitmapCache folder from the Appdata Cakewalk folder?? Ig if i place the png files in that folder like they were b4 it will fix the issue.
  12. Yes, when i uninstalled Cakewalk i deleted the thumbnail.png and standin.png files that were present in those individual folders in Appdata, and i don't know why they didn't get installed again after i reinstalled Cakewalk, so now ig bcoz those files are missing in Appdata the thumbnail icons are not being displayed within Cakewalk.
  13. Correct me if i am wrong but doesn't Cakewalk have it's own CD burner built into it?? I think i saw that option under Utilities menu in Cakewalk.
  14. Yah, i understand that it was that folder, unfortunately that folder is empty now after the reinstall, idk what is happening during the reinstall, i have all both antivirus and firewall disabled while running the web-installer and installing Cakewalk. Can you pls share the contents of the VSTBitmapCache folder maybe? I have already uninstalled and reinstalled Cakewalk like 5 times today trying to get this fixed, maybe if i just put those files back to where they should be the issue with displaying them within Cakewalk will get fixed.
  15. Can someone please help me?? I just performed a reinstall with the Cakewalk web-installer and it's somehow even worse now. ?
  16. I opened my prochannel menu today to add a module in a track and noticed that only the PC2A Leveling Amplifier module icon was missing, i clicked on the module and it loads and works perfectly without any issues. I thought i might have deleted the thumbnail icon file by mistake so went to my "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\PC2ALevelingAmplifier\Resources" directory but the thumbnail icon file (PC2ALeveler_Thumbnail.bmp) seems to be there. I restarted Cakewalk and my pc but the thumbnail icon doesnt seems to be appearing within Cakewalk anymore. Can someone help me to restore the icon without performing a reinstall, i just reinstalled Cakewalk 2 days ago ?.
  17. I think what the OP is talking about is when you double click on the Synth Rack icon to open a synth then to not have the track selection jump to that synth on the Track View.
  18. Hi Colin, I just found out that if i undock and redock the browser then it gets fixed again. In these past few days as i am learning more and more about themeing Cakewalk i am also coming across some of these..."minor ui glitches", if u will. But for now if i just undock and redock the browser this issue gets fixed. Also, since u pointed it out i will try to send any ui questions in the UI Themes Forum from now on, thanks a lot. ?
  19. Hi, So i have been getting into theming Cakewalk and today while i was working on the arrows for my theme i noticed this weird UI bug in Cakewalk related to the plugin browser collapse arrow. At first when i open a project the arrow direction seems to work correctly for expanding and collapsing the browser but once i go to Preferences and change the theme or re-apply the same theme the arrow keeps pointing to the left even when i have the browser expanded, as far as i can remember shouldn't it be pointing to the right once the browser expands?...and it does point to the right before i change the theme or re-apply the same theme. This doesn't seem to be happening with the expand and collapse arrows on the Inspector side. I thought maybe i got a faulty installation or whatever and reinstalled Cakewalk and this still seems to be happening even in the default Tungsten as well as the Mercury theme. I know this is a minor thing but now that i have noticed this it's somehow driving me crazy ?. I have attached a video to explain it better what i am talking about and i have done this with the default Tungsten theme: Browser Collapse Arrow GUI bug.mp4
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