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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Cpu hit on new patches is ridiculous ....don't play chord !!!
  2. Guyz , anybody tried to authorise licences and got this message "error parsing licence 5 , please contact support" Not one licence is activated ... Wonder if they loked my licences since after this Ukraine moves , they heard quite a bit from me in the Beta forum ....or it's a comon issue ... If they indeed bloked them , oh boy ....
  3. Well imho it s the safest suggestion someone cà make for a bass amp as well as neural dsp darkglass .. it can handle anything , prior to that , softube eden was the kind and still is in a lot of domain ..but i had to add an uad neve preamp after to kinda dirt things up when needed , with the Gk the dual amp conf alows me to drive and groll it to tase using ampeg ir s .... big gui , responsive filter and easy to use ... bingo ...
  4. I went for the gk , i wish i didn t missed the first 20 no minimum ... might ask support since i have aun auth error , impossible to authorise all my pa ...on new comp .. this gk is really somthing , never liked any emulation , and while checking online , all i heard is metal head doing zero justice . testing stuff on your own os so key ...
  5. Went with the gk since i habe a buch of ampeg , that said the v4 is really special ... that gk is a fuk....playground .. and unlike the eden it can be growly ...
  6. Cool thinking of grabbing the Gk bass amp or compete my ampeg collection with thev4b , any thougths guyz , no time to try before ....i do know the sound of the ampeg , but not familiar with gk ...
  7. it's on again , wondering what you guyz think about the GK bass amp , no time to test , thinking of this or the V4B ampeg .... i own the other ampeg
  8. Zo

    Heavyocity release FURY

    I like this matrix type of options ... heavyocity has a certain esthetic that i m quite happy with ... possible to demo?
  9. Seems that it s over , wanted to grab one free plugin but i have the invalid thing ... why they rush stuff like that ... some people do have jobs and life lol ..
  10. SInce i never use synths standalone (need monitor calibration via plugins) n Ot crazy but it s cool to have the option ... so it safe to expect it for trillian and omni....
  11. I do think xln lib is already deep , don t see what could be added at this point ´ talking xo the preheated pck looks interesting....
  12. If someon3 doesnt have the elysia nveloppe , this one is the one to grab at that price ...
  13. Yep you point out solething important : how great built in plugin became .... from live to cubase , solid stuff around ... back then we could mix with sonar built in stuff and get pro results (sonitus , prochannel ect ...)
  14. Paulo , very few people , including people calling themselves pro , knows that a lot of processing in pre mastering ( witch is where we process signal in opposition with mastering witch is the format process) are here to compensate a loss or the impact of format change ( from digi to vinyl or mp 3 ect ...) ... and one process that is super impacting is the lost of dynamic range ( due to heavy limiting / compressing) : the impact is extremily big on spacial perception , hence the presence of stereo imager , expander and REVERB in the processes chains .... Bob kats uad stereo /ambiance recovery is a perfect exemple of what s needed and was an instant buy for me ....and it emphases the fact that when you ask true mastering legends , those concepts are evident ....
  15. Is this the green one ? I remember it being good indeed ...
  16. Translation : we re tired of messing around with os and plugin compatibility ...we will let daw s handle this , we will stick with vst aax ect as it consume less ressources ... shame i was really interested in this one .... does it kill ozone 9 or both can co exist ..?
  17. Exact guyz , thread could be loked for promoting tolerance , love , respect and condamning blind hate , discrimination and illegal behaviour . If brands done that each time a certain country invaded illegaly a country , i think most of people around here couldn't buy any plugin since 30 years .... Back to Ot , crisis makes people think twice and it's a good thing , before buying anything "non necessary" , i feel those non stop agressive prices are a sign of staganation of sales if not decrease ... Seems like some brands don't understand it's not a question of price but of puting something new and impactfull on the table .... some brands really delivers in that aspect ...
  18. They will not see my money until they apologise ... for their clown world move ... witch i dont think it will happen anytime ...
  19. Zo

    Absynth is Over?

    Kore 2 was great ... had the audio sound card version , sync issues but the plugin control was dope
  20. Zo

    Absynth is Over?

    It just need a good interface ...in 20 they never took the time to do it ...
  21. Sôwhat is the verdict , better sounding , better workflow ...if none of those , i ll skip
  22. This is a work horse .... solid purchase
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