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Everything posted by Zo

  1. BF coming soon stay tuned guyz as well as new release !!
  2. i personnaly need some chords , any place you can get those ?
  3. Hey guyz just one question i noticed that last V7 and V6 newbee , all have previews in Komplete kontrol and mashine , can you guyz confirl if previous stuff like the mini , arp , ect ...have or not previews yet ?
  4. i remeber having tested one of those and it sounded juicy
  5. Zo

    Noiseash BF Sale

    Still my fav , try it and see how fast a sounds will sound from cool , to mmmm ..... do the same with others and compare at same volume , it will sounds just about right !!
  6. lol this is why i said it ahahah if it was true , some would have said "wtf Larry Wife doing with zo ...." lol .....
  7. You're wife is holding a gun on my head .....
  8. keep your money you don t need one or another Larry !!
  9. Zo

    Your BF Strategy

    I hated glossy screens also , i went from the elitebook to the xps , and the 4 K display is a piece of art , adn until you get direct sunlight , it's more than ok !!! i usually face the sun
  10. No problem Peter , Gourmandise here .... i need to calm down my appetit !!!
  11. Yep i know Peter just asking is someone can get this freebee prior to getting ST4 later ...
  12. This update is wiked for sure , Straylight now allows sample drag keeping all the settings .... slick , just wonder how it handles samples saving : copy or adressing ...
  13. Zo

    Your BF Strategy

    Trying madly to resist getting a new laptop : this thing is a DAW user dream , packed like nothing
  14. Do we have to have ST 4 ? can we get this anticipating a futur acuqisition of ST 4 ?
  15. In a quik test versus the focusrite , i had more punch and grit ... looks interesting expt for my wallet lol
  16. Testing it as i type , really love the distortion , ot impressed ye the comp but it s aneve thing in general , as i test on drums ... neve comps are not my cup of tee on those ... EDIT : rsizing is from 100 to under ...there's no 120 ...ect lol exeptionnal !!
  17. It s on the same email as the new , so read well , they details pricing of the sub and then you ll have the offer between the main annoucemnt and the video
  18. 99 here as a personnal offer , don t know if it s because of lindell or consoles i have or the zillion pa stidf i have
  19. I'm talking K13 U , it willbe more at release but you get 50 % on NI stuff in end of june and now usually
  20. Yep cubase is growing on me , still stuuf i would love to be like in S1 ( Split for synths and fx to make complex chains , chord track implementation , better imho in S1 since it can extrac chord from an audio material witch i use a lot , read overlappoing clips !!! Macro bar versus catastrophic macro handling in cubase ...)
  21. Hi guyz , yesturday i decided to try Synth i and see if i update my v collection or go NI K12U update .... I installed it , and then open Analog lab 4 witch i love to use for V collection stuff .... and discovered all my presets missing ... So i said to myself ok , maybe i have to update AL to the last version : nothing !! Ok so let's upadte all synths because even on indivilduals synths no lmore presets : NOTHING !!! I installed all versions : NOTHING !!! Went on the net and found ou that some people are having the same issue : 1) Some say run the standalone to force preset data base buil : Nothing 2) Arturia say : delete DB3 to for rebuilt of data base (in the program data / artuira/ presets folder) : Nothing So i decided to debugg this mf on my own and here's what i discovered : i copied my laptop data base (thk god i have several system all synced !!) So i opened a Synth and the data base gets erase to a blank one !!! So i sinatlled old synth with new data base : all good , i then install any new version of any synth and run it : no more data base datas ... IF ANYBODY HAVE AN IDEA , I M DOWN , i wrote to the suppoprt , but maybe one of you geeks around have faced and solved this issue . Thks
  22. Jesse def beter wait for k13 in your case
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