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Everything posted by Zo

  1. For me this would be the one i would keep...
  2. Thks guyz , i really enjoy this release for several reasons : 1) type of fx : great delayz are alwayz hard to do , because people think ot s just copy and pass but the roland isn t an easy ine trcik thing , from tape , the decay , the feedback ect ...all to get it right is tuff 2) it sounds superb 3) seats in the mix super easily 4) literraly few seconds to make a great sound !! 5) cpu is acceptable . 6) ik : support /stability / system i would have suggested a more agressif intro price
  3. Just try it , i do think that it s super versatyle , from clean to anything heavy ... presets are for fans and super cpuheavy but if you know what you re doing , it s really a top peak i tried also the joey and i like the matschall but , nothing super exiting for the rest ...
  4. Because i know you were going to try it anyway lol
  5. Wives be like ....
  6. don't do it crazy how the reverb alone is so diffrent , hipassed like crazy compared to outer space , and less muddy , witch one is the real deal , you tell me !!
  7. Guyz , is it me or the EQ section in the reverb doesn't do anything ? (it works for the delays but not the reverb , is it like that on the real unit ? i guess so , can't recall lol 80' seems like and internity behind me) Been playing with this since 10 min : impressed , i don't know if it's accurate but it sounds good faster that my beloved outer space !!
  8. yep the limiter + disto and the 373 is what made me purchase it , the 376 also great ...
  9. Thinking of buying for the futur lol since i m still windows 8 here lol ... strange why no edu price at pres ous website ..
  10. Anyone tried it versus outer space ? still didn't downloaded Tracks last version ....
  11. We learn every day , we re all students !!
  12. Fabfilter is more mixing proff , ligt and solid , efficient from production to mastering ....Izotope i stoped pirchsaing since O7 , evrytime i tried stuff : cpu hit , crash ect ....not as solid as it used to be imho , no problem during mastering but really problematic during other phases imho ...
  13. Also Brian May is on sale at 49 euros !! Did the plunge , if anybody intersetd to buy it from me , i'm open lol too much cpu , now i recall why i skipped , i will lose money cause of transfert fees but better than nothing .
  14. Zo

    Softube Summer Sale

    If you go C1 HW , the weiss channel is affordable and imho a must have for the master bus !!
  15. What in your arsenal made you think you re covered from the wong gaz ...?
  16. Zo

    Waldorf Largo at 29 $ !!!

    anybody has this one , sounds superb but kinda hard on the eyes ....
  17. https://audioplugin.deals/largo-the-synthesizer-vst-plugin-by-waldorf/?fbclid=IwAR1sckYLcjnW0cS708YebNWY9rvDCDqKCYwooPiYv0zycdMhnPSgptKCVio 29 $ , i say it's a stupid deal !!!
  18. lol why , ain't that the truth ? you see sales and then you figure out , damn i have this , gonna use it lol !!
  19. Exact no brainer , by the way if somebody buy other stuff and got an extra licence for reason lite , i'm open Post like this make me remember i already have cool stuff lol
  20. gimme just something smooth like amp room or something else as a playground and i'm ok ... Ampire from presonus or Mercurial let you see in one pages stomps, amp , cabinets ect .....so i would love to see panels that you can open or close on demand ect .... Like Amps center , stomps left (or upper) , cabs / room right , racks in bottom with mics mixer and selection
  21. It s a great one and light on cpu as well as fast to tweak . it really depends on what you already have , the best sat box in pa are imho black box , elysia and vsm 3 , BUt no so fast to tweak ....i grabbed it for using in production stage in maschine for exemple to have few parameters and light on cpu .... Got it for 9 $ , at 25 inwould have gone for another one i said the name ...
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