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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I had the Bandlab Assistant hanging problem for the first time with this update. Thanks to Jonathan for pointing to the folder for the installation file!
  2. Also can I ask that you don't bite the hand that feeds you. You have access to an amazing programme,which as i say above is being constantly updated, at no cost - what is not to like?! ?
  3. Hi Ken - I understand your suspicions and concerns but don't worry - as far as I know after a couple of years of using CbB all that there is to downloading and installing CbB and it's associate files is a brilliant DAW experience and one that is constantly being updated. Welcome to the club - you'll find lots of people here willing to give advice and help when it's needed - and have the occasional bit of fun along the way!
  4. Answered my own question - went into my account and found a recent update for AGL and a May one for AGSC Oddly CbB hung in the start screen after updating these but a PC restart solved that. Maybe just coincidence?
  5. Hi Jason - is there an update for the Luthier classical too?
  6. I think I got Z3ta via Computer Music magazine IIRC
  7. yeah just found that too once I remembered to use the find command! Just Home Studio - I think I tried a reinstall of Z3ta but might be worth trying again. Not the end of the world if I can't get it working Thanks for the help though - much appreciated again!
  8. Ah found this in the sandbox log file for the effect - presumably I'll find the same for the instrument LogFile: C:\Users\Joe\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Logs\VstScanSandbox.log Saturday, 01 Aug 2020, 16:29:12 Opened Log File ----------------------------- Command line: /VSTRegPerUser/VSTRegKey:"Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64"/Background/NoRescanning/SONARHWND:264430/ScanVst:"f:\vstplugins\z3ta+\z3ta+_fx2.dll"/ToastGuid:{CC4602E0-171B-477A-BE90-C6C2E73C2339} Flag: VSTRegPerUser Flag: VSTRegKey:"Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64" Flag: Background Flag: NoRescanning Flag: SONARHWND:264430 Flag: ScanVst:"f:\vstplugins\z3ta+\z3ta+_fx2.dll" VST to scan - f:\vstplugins\z3ta+\z3ta+_fx2.dll Flag: ToastGuid:{CC4602E0-171B-477A-BE90-C6C2E73C2339} VSTSCAN: ******* Analyzing VST plugins... VSTSCAN: ---- 1: f:\vstplugins\z3ta+\z3ta+_fx2.dll ---- VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] f:\VSTPLU~2\Z3TA_~1\Z3TA__~2.DLL VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\f:/vstplugins/z3ta+/z3ta+_fx2.dll VSTSCAN: ---- Loading VST plugin f:\vstplugins\z3ta+\z3ta+_fx2.dll ---- VSTSCAN: Normal DLL load failed, attempting to load with BitBridge... VSTSCAN: Load BitBridge.DLL... VSTSCAN: Load failed with BitBridge... VSTSCAN: Failed to create VST plugin instance... VSTSCAN: Unloading VST dll... VSTSCAN: NOT a VST plugin VSTSCAN: WRITE VST DATA... VSTSCAN: WRITE VST DATA - successfully updated VST plugin inventory record... VSTSCAN: Finished analyzing VST plugins - 0 of 0 VST plugins were scanned in this run Closing log file Saturday, 01 Aug 2020, 16:29:12
  9. VstScanSandbox.log There is also this log - I am not sure which is the relevant one!
  10. VstScan.log Here's the scan log No it is not showing up in effects either
  11. Ok I have run the reset - Z3ta+ still doesn't appear in the instrument list under either synths or uncategorised instruments - I see it is mentioned several times in the scan log but not sure what I should be looking for?
  12. I renamed all the DLL files z3taplus and Cakewalk scanned them but did not add any new plug ins and they still don't appear sadly. Thanks for the suggestion though! Fortunately I don't use it in any existing projects but would like to have a listen to it again as I recall it was pretty good
  13. Yeah looks much better than the original!
  14. Larry just wants us to know he's still the king! ?
  15. Looks pretty good for free - particularly for beginners
  16. Well worth checking out Amplesound Luthier - beautiful sound and it has hammer ons and pull offs - I have only had it a short while so haven't tried them yet but the demo files will give you an idea
  17. All hail the king! Welcome back Larry. Hope your family crisis is sorted
  18. scook thanks - I think your second para addresses an issue I have with one of my projects when the wrong synth plays - I will check!
  19. Just to add this is the original version of z3ta - the dll files seem suspiciously small
  20. Hi all I have z3ta in my VST folder but CbB isn't picking it up - I've checked excluded plugin but it isn't there either. Any ideas? I've certainly used it before - possibly in Sonar Home Studio - can't remember if I have used it in CbB but I think I have Appreciate any advice
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