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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. You tease! I saw free and I bit! ?
  2. Yep installed and working here too. Not very exciting without the more interesting instruments I already have in Reason 10 but hey free is free and the bass synth is new if a bit dull judging by the presets ?
  3. Ah thanks - yes I was looking through the site this morning and noticed base prices and worked out that they were as low as you could go with points. I'm very tempted by Desert Winds now I have a good collection of points but just need it to come down a bit more. I loved that when I heard it on release and I have still not heard a better duduk (my favourite instrument!)
  4. Thanks Esteban No probs Larry - the crown is still firmly in place ?
  5. Tempting but don't want it to mess with my full Reason 10 installation - anyone know whether there are any issues?
  6. I finally managed to get Halion working on my PC so took the plunge - had a quick run through the sounds - all a bit samey but that's fair enough given its intent! A good buy for around a tenner - wouldn't have paid £40 for it though Annoyingly I forgot I had APD points to spend - still got a few more now ?
  7. This is very tempting but I'll wait to see if it gets more affordable ?
  8. Got the free version - quite pleasant but very limited (which is fair enough as paid version is cheap anyway)
  9. Thanks Simeon - great walkthrough! Your passion for sharing music at the end was very moving (though I have had a little red wine ? ) I'll have to see if I can get the free version of Halion working as this seems worth the investment!
  10. Thanks that was interesting - I haven't explored the Matrix View yet!
  11. Another appreciation for Pete here. IK can be frustrating but Pete ( and Ryan for that matter) are always very helpful
  12. Strange - I've just got it with no problems a few minutes ago
  13. Hi Ricky I use an Apro 800 with CbB and previously Sonar Home Studio) and it generally works ok - though for reasons beyond me it occasionally loses connection! In the dropdown do you get a device just names Apro? - if so that is the one you need Once you get set up you'll find that knobs and faders are allocated to specific controls in CbB and softsynths - for the soft synths you can change the assignments - not sure about in CbB itself as I have never tried to change anything
  14. I'm on 1903 but still got the problem - I think caused by a security update to 1903/9
  15. I'd manually installed 4.1.2 last nighas well so manually installed 4.1.3 today. Let's hope everything is fixed now!
  16. Thanks Peter - good work support - I had just installed that update so almost certainly explains my issues. As I installed the updates manually in the end I'll await the Product Manager update which will hopefully resolve the issue
  17. Our posts are crossing Peter - I thought that might be the case re AM - as I say hopefully all will be resolved by the time I need any more updates. Once it works it will be a great step forward
  18. I can understand that ? Manual workaround worked fine for me - hopefully all will be sorted by the next time I need to do an update ?
  19. Sooo....I found where the Product Manager had installed the updates and ran them manually - now updated but the installation also wanted to install Authorisation Manager - that needs attention Peter!
  20. Ah well - too good to be true - I've just installed the Product Manager and tried to update 4 programmes including ST4 - all seem to be downloading ok though the installation seems suspiciously quick - the menu still shows 'Update' opposite each item and, sure enough on checking ST4 in CbB it shows the earlier version is still installed ?
  21. That's good to hear - would have really appreciated it when I installed the Total Max 2 bundle earlier this year! Hope everyone gets it to work ok!
  22. Try this (worked for me) or try updating your Bandlab installer
  23. I had the same problem and followed instructions in the thread on the new release to find the .exe file. Worked fine when I double clicked on that. Might also be worth checking if your Bandlab installer needs updating as that seems to have worked for others
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