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Everything posted by Jeslan

  1. Never used or activated the product until now but I can activate and deactivate it. Tried to do it several times with no problem. I suggest you get in contact with ilok support. Most probably you already have the license activated in another computer or you changed hardware and ilok considers your computer to be a different one (happened to me once after cloning my harddrive to a new ssd one). ilok support had to reset the computer in their servers for the plugins giving problems be able to be used again. EDIT: Oh, yeah, forgot it activates on the cloud, not a computer. Have you internet connection when trying to activate it or a firewall preventing ilok from do it ? Anyway, the activation works well for that license, so it's an issue with ilok that you need to solve through their support.
  2. Oh, I see. You are right, you actually even mention "Free until 8/30" the very first in the thread. I totally missed that, my apologies. Anyway, for anyone that wants to play it after that date, the base game is free to play at anytime. Weird thing for me is apparently it was just released in the epic store, I would swear it already was for quite a while. Oh well.
  3. I would like to notice a couple of things for anyone interested. The offer is actually a paid DLC pack for the game that includes some cosmetics. The base videogame has been free to play for a while now (not the DLCs though). Also for anyone interested in playing the game but don't want or can't afford 110Gb of disk or download (or the battleeye sh*t), the game can be played directly on Geforce NOW (free cloud gaming service). Just be sure to activate "Adaptative Sync" in the geforce now program options for the best experience.
  4. Yeah, the demo version is pretty old and has been the exact same for quite a while now.
  5. Oh, I see. Thanks for the reply. Indeed they really are.
  6. I see. My apologies for the asumption. Actually it was more of a general comment than personally directed at you. Probably I should have clarified, my apologies again. Anyway, I would like to ask, because I am not sure I really understand what you meant there. I fail to see what is the relation between wanting to reduce the amount of plugins and which format they actually are.
  7. Oh, that's great to hear. Thank you very much for letting us know.
  8. I am not sure why there are so many people believing VST3 = better. As far as I know the truth is that it's the opposite, VST3 is a mess. It's true that sidechaining it's easier and handled better than in VST2 (where there was no official implementation for sidechaining), but apart from that VST3 is incomplete at best. On one hand it lacks all the features VST2 had, some are simply not implemented, and others are not complete. On another hand it is a big pain in the ***** if you are forced to port a VST2 plugin. That's why a lot of developers (like u-he) even if they offer VST3 versions they don't offer all the functionality the VST2 versions do. The very same way VST3 hosting is either completely implemented in every software so there will be features not working or unexpected behavior. So in the end I think it's waaaaaaay better to use VST2 versions for plugins that were originally developed for that API and use only VST3 ones when they are new plugins already developed on VST3 and with no VST2. I am aware though that maybe this has changed very recently now that Steinberg is enforcing VST3 to everyone (although I doubt it though, at least yet). It will improve in the future, that's for sure, but probably it will take at least two more years before going for the VST3 versions be a better idea.
  9. I haven't used them too much (actually haven't done music related stuff for a while) but I think the bundle at that price is pretty worthy. There is a ton of them, and when I got the bundle for cheap too a few years ago I found they are really easy to use, very consistent and well done. Found too the quality was great (in comparison to what I was used to back then). But the thing that I liked the most was that they were usable and sounded great right out of the box. Just load any of them and directly have instant results without the need for tweaking over and over. Default settings and presets are really useful. You can tweak of course but as they are designed to be quite simple to use and each one of them with a very specific purpose in mind they are not going to be complex or have too much to tweak. Hope this is helpful for someone. Also, take it with a grain of salt. I am just an amateur and music is just a hobby for me.
  10. To be honest I have to say, is this actually said for real ? Or just trolling ? Every single entertainment business in our society is a multi-transaction volume industry. And all of them are a rigged system, at least in relation to what it's sold to people, the usual american dream. This goes for music industry, writting, or any other creative industry. They move so much money because it is an investment in the most literal possible way, they put unthinkable amounts of money on promotion and marketing. That's the only reason they get so much money. Period. To make a lot of money you need first to have a lot of money already. It should be obvious that the rules on that level don't apply to individual artists. That's why it makes from the unknown or small individual artist zero sense to go for streaming platforms where the only money is made by the ones that are already famous. The ratio of artists that actually get famous versus the ones that not is absolutely disproportionated. And has nothing to do with skills or quality. The only things that can get you a ticket for the famous lottery are A LOT of luck, a lot of money already to invest in marketing and promotion (and the knowledge on how to use it of course), or having the right contacts within the industry. Usually, it takes all the three. The ones having that chance are a very very very few compared to all the rest that won't have any chance. So platforms like BandCamp are simply the only right choice and way to go for small artists (besides of course maybe having too a youtube channel and some social media to at least try to get lucky, maybe (again, maybe), to be more visible out there in the general population). It's only If (again, if) eventually they get lucky enough to start moving a lot of people that would make sense to move too to streaming platforms. But until then (something that most aspiring artists won't ever get), streaming platforms are only a way to be played and scammed like Philip told.
  11. VirusTotal runs the files through a huge list of antivirus engines. It is really really common to find a few of them showing and marking completely safe files as trojan. What matters is what the rest of the engines, specially the most important ones, actually say. If a file is marked as trojan by 2, 3 or even 4 antivirus engines from developers that no one actually know but all the others mark it as safe is 99.99% of the time just the typical false positive. Now, if major antivirus flag a file as well as dozens of the others..... well, then it is when you actually can assume that file is really not safe.
  12. It was a misread in the end on my part. The 40% discount was already the base price shown on the shop. The coupon code was actually just an additional discount on top. Interestingly enough the offer still seems up as it was showing me the applied 40% discount of 53,40$ over the normal price of 89$. Anyway, for what I saw there is basically no difference in price with the 50% discount Tracktion do every year on black friday on their own website shop. Oh, forgot to thank you for your reply though.
  13. Tried to use the coupon with the upgrade from Waveform 9 to 11 but instead of 40% it was showing a discounting of 16%. Have you guys checked how much was the discount for you ? EDIT: Nevermind, I realized I misread. It already has the discount applied and the group code is an additional one, not the 40%.
  14. Just curious, what DAWs are supposed to allow conversion of polyphonic audio to midi without the need of a third party plugin or software ? In fact as far as I know there is still plenty of DAWs that don't even have monophonic audio to midi conversion.
  15. Not exactly about this but I think quite related. I have seen this kind of thing happening in big physical grocery stores where I am from. Like those high discount packs where you buy many of the same thing so each one is supposed to be cheaper, until you decide to actually make the calculation yourself with the original price. Of course after it has been noticed it ends being "just a mistake from the person printing the labels".
  16. I am in no way affiliated or related to the developer but to be honest, to judge that way and say what you say is what feels completely wrong, unfair and out of place. In a world of close source, incredibly overpriced software (and products in general), where many of the big companies with tons of resources REALLY extort and take advantage of people..... and you are really saying that to a basically one guy developer, that offers you a completely free version of the software (0.44.1), where you can support him through patreon or simply paying a ridiculous $2 to get the last version. And not only that, you even have the entire project source code at your dispossal for free. A software that performs excepcionally well for its price in places and circumstances where other lot more expensive ones fail. And not to mention the argumentation route of asking if you like to work for free or if you would be willing to put yourself a lot of time and effort on creating something and expect others to take for granted that the result of all that hard work and effort have zero value and thinking that if you want to get money from it you are extorting them. So.... seriously, really ? Also it's worth mentioning that Ardour also use the very same business model, open source project/product with a low price subscription or paying a ridiculous low amount to get only the last compiled windows version.
  17. Have you enabled the second network on the ASIO Link Pro Tool control panel ? From my understanding each network is only going to work for 1 to 1 PC. So you need two use the primary one for one PC and enable and use the second one for the other PC. I think that maybe it's also possible to run several instances of ASIO Link Pro in the receiving PC assigning manually different network ports for each one. But that would imply more work, configuration and test and it's not sure it would actually work. So the best and easier approach is like I mentioned in the previous paragraph.
  18. Were you able at least to send and receive audio from 1 PC to another ? If not, did you check the previous message I posted ? The steps must be followed in the exact order or it won't work. You first need to assign the right IPs ( on the receiving one), then network channels routing and after that activate network audio button. Edit: Almost forgot, enable first the listening PC and after the sending ones.
  19. Hi there. I remembered you were asking for help because you weren't able to get it working. As I didn't tamper with the feature myself (I didn't need it back then) I replied to you with generic computer network related stuff. Finally I had the opportunity to use it today and what my surprise was, as I wasn't able either to get it working. I realized by the ASIO Link Pro control panel messages that it was able to connect locally within the same computer using So the feature was actually working. But the moment I tried to use another computer's IP from the same network the message shown was "cannot bind". Knowing a bit about networking I think this means that for some reason the software was not able to recognize the network card where the local network IP is bind to and therefor it can't "attach" to the local network stream. Well, thing is that knowing it was working for I decided to use in "network in" as I know it is a not bind address that means to listen from all network devices instead of just a specific one. And not needing to bind my surprise is that it totally worked. So I assume this will fix too the problem you were having. So for it to work follow the next steps: 1 - In the receiving PC configure "network in" using as IP, make the proper channel connections (this is mandatory before activating) and then just make the activate button green. 2 - Go to the sender PC and configure "network out" using the local network IP the receiving PC has. Then properly connect the channels too. And then just click the activate button. And Voila. You should have it working.
  20. Ohhhhh, indeed. Totally forgot about this. This feature is amazing for playing around. Thanks for the reminder.
  21. Indeed. Melodyne essential is 99€ in the melodyne website and you get it for free with Waveform which costs even less than that (97,59€ at the moment).
  22. For me it has been quite a while since I had the chance to put myself into making music (I got it when it was version 9 and played around with it since they made version 4 free) but a few ways from memory could be: - How quick and easy it is to go from being on the desktop to already playing around with it, as well as all the workflow within. Also simple things like moving around inputs and plugins, both their order within a track as well as to and from any other track, all very very quickly, etc - The non conventional midi and audio routing system. - Racks, a powerful modular way to connect multiple plugins together, similar to what you find on third party modular vst hosts. Which allows you to create a "single instrument" device for complex layered sounds as well as very complex routing between tracks. - Comping, since forever, something I am still astonished is considered one of the "wow" features in the new just released Bitwig 4 beta. - A very powerful MIDI pattern generator which allows you to create baselines, chords, arpeggios, etc in any key and chord almost instantly for quick and easy test and experimentation with instruments. - All the modifiers for easy and quick automation experimentation - The ability to apply effects, modifiers, etc not just to tracks but also to clips - Powerful multisampler - The ability to work in many different projects at the same time while being able to easily copy paste things between them (I don't know if this is a normal thing nowadays for most DAWs but as far as I know it wasn't back then) I am sure there is a lot more that I just can't remember now. EDIT: Oh, and as well as I said in a further comment, you get Melodyne essential for free purchasing Waveform, which alone costs 99€ in melodyne's website. EDIT2: As abacab mentioned in one of the replies, the feature that saves all your midi input up to last 10 minutes is incredibly useful while playing around.
  23. It may look at first glance just a weird linear DAW but what is sure is that the right workflows with Tracktion differ a lot from a typical linear DAW. That I can assure you. Also it's workflows have nothing to do with Ableton or FL Studio either. Anyway and to be honest Tracktion is a very misunderstood DAW and many people used to a purely linear workflow or to a traditional DAW have quite a hard time using or getting into it, to the point where a lot of people simply can't. Personally I love it and dislike most linear traditional DAWs. In the end it is just a matter of taste and intended use. In my case I tend to be a very creative person in my daily life in a very uncommon way so for me to have plenty of freedom to play around, experiment etc is a must. Which is one of the reasons why I love it, beside Renoise, my other DAW of choice. Also I don't think you are going to find nowadays any important DAW (freemium or pay) that have a clear advantage over another one regardin MIDI/audio. Lots of years ago this could be the case, but not anymore.
  24. Probably I am not the person best suited to answer this and may be wrong as I have spent very few moments in audio production during last years. But from my knowledge they are completely different. Waveform is all about having freedom to achieve lots of different creative workflows. While Cakewalk approach is much more in line with the "linear and static" industry standard workflow. To be honest I don't see them as competitors as much as complementary to each other for different stages on audio production. Where Waveform is best suited for the creative composing and experimenting, and Cakewalk for polishing the mix on the finished tracks and all the mastering stuff.
  25. You don't need to for local. But you may (or may not, it depends) need to do that on the windows firewall on each computer and make sure to disable "AP Isolation" in the router if you are connecting them through wifi.
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