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Tay Zonday

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  1. I suspect there are other curmudgeons like myself using "Cakewalk By Bandlab" who will gladly pay for "Cakewalk Sonar" but are confused about the upgrade path. It would make a BIG difference if "Cakewalk Sonar" auto-installed from the Windows Bandlab assistant when one became a paying member. That would intuitively mirror the experience of "Cakewalk By Bandlab." I originally tried opening "Cakewalk By Bandlab" projects in "Cakewalk Next" and I don't think that product is designed to inherit desktop project workflows quite yet. I then realized that "Cakewalk Sonar" was the intended upgrade path for 42-year-olds like me accustomed to Desktop workflow. It's GREAT to make something in the Windows app store ecosystem that bridges with mobile app product design (I assume that's what Cakewalk NEXT aspires to be). But it strikes me as not being as ready to open projects with fifty tracks, 200 rack VSTs and 40 gigabytes in the project audio folder as "Cakewalk Sonar." 😉 You have moved mountains repeatedly to keep the best DAW in human history thriving. It's great to see you replying!
  2. OOOOH NEVERMIND I see it. It's WAY DOWN at the BOTTOM when you go to Cakewalk.com That navigation menu is not intuitive for me to locate at all. It could be that I'm browsing in 4K on a desktop. I realize the marketing manager evaluates every page's performance based on whether it converts Bandlab memberships, and that's the primary KPI But the VORACIOUS THIRST for maximizing membership conversion should not lead to the navigation menu being so buried. I paid for the membership and then ran around like a headless chicken with no clear surfacing of how to access the membership's deliverable. I just kept spinning around the sales funnel with no obvious offramp after Bandlab had already been sold to me.
  3. Every link I click sends me in an endless loop. I log into Bandlab and click on "Membership" which takes me here: https://www.bandlab.com/membership That page takes me to Sonar's page, which says I need a Bandlab membership. https://www.cakewalk.com/sonar I have a Bandlab membership and when I go to Bandlab.com and go to "Membership" under profile subscriptions on the right, the loop begins again. https://www.bandlab.com At no point in this loop am I presently seeing a Windows installer for the latest Cakewalk Sonar build.
  4. I don't understand how to get the latest "Cakewalk Sonar." It says I need a Bandlab membership. I have a Bandlab membership. https://www.cakewalk.com/sonar That page says "Cakewalk Sonar is currently available through BandLab Membership. If you have a BandLab account, you can purchase BandLab Membership here, or learn more about it in the BandLab Membership FAQ." My Bandlab Assistant still only installs "Cakewalk By Bandlab" -- not their latest SAAS upgrade "Cakewalk Sonar" Am I just dumb? Did I miss a very obvious thing that I was supposed to do?
  5. I'm so confused. Is this new "Cakewalk Sonar" a new build we have to pay for? AND it's different than the latest build of "Cakewalk by Bandlab," and ALSO different than "Cakewalk Next" which comes with a Bandlab subscription? I'm happy to pay for the latest build (I have used Cakewalk for 27 years), it's just hard to know what the product line and roadmap is now.
  6. Oh gosh I'm silly. It is still there. And I bet it hasn't even ever moved or changed appearances. Thanks.
  7. Did Global "Bypass FX" Get Replaced with "Bypass Plugin Delay Compensation?" -- or am I imagining that? I'm just curious, since these aren't remotely the same thing. Am I just an idiot who made the global "Bypass FX" disappear?
  8. My Bandlab Assitaint v10.0.0 is not downloading or installing Cakewalk 2021.06 Update 2 (build There's no error, it just won't download. However, Cakewalk keeps saying an update is available.
  9. Still running into this issue on Windows 10 Pro 64 install with all patches/service packs. This fixed it for me.
  10. Thanks! Can't seem to get into my old Cakewalk account. Oh well.
  11. I am not able to find ProChannel Concrete Limiter to add to the ProChannel FX chain anymore. Does anybody know where this has gone? I've used (and purchased, before it was free) Cakewalk everything for two decades.
  12. Yeah whatever this is, it happened to me. VST is installed, its directory is being scanned by Cakewalk, and the license is on my iLok. The plugin does not show up anywhere on the soft synth menu. Seems to me that it ought to work with Cakewalk upon normal installation. It's regrettable because I was excited to use the product.
  13. Ok this ended up being the problem. I'm not sure where I got the Yamaha Steinberg USB driver, but there it was on my installed programs list and recently updated. Uninstalling it fixes this problem. Thank you everybody for your help. This remains a strange incompatibility.
  14. Thanks! Yep. Cakewalk.exe is right there in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core -- and when I click it, the same outcome happens. I already tried uninstalling/re-installing from Bandlab. EVENTUALLY, after an arduous wait (like twenty minutes), the installer times out with the error "Install server not responding" . . . after which the actual Cakewalk app is allowed to launch normally. But waiting twenty minutes every time I launch the app is not ideal ?
  15. Thanks! Launching from the desktop shortcut or actual .exe file causes the same outcome. So does running it as an administrator.
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