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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. I don't remember seeing this here before. If so, please excuse me. I was checking the Focusrite Plugin Collective offers and was surprised to see that there's a free copy of the old version of the Biotek synth from Tracktion. You must have some Focusrite (or Novation) product registered there I think. The offer deadline is April 4 so... check your account. Oh... and there's a discount code (30%) to upgrade for the latest version.
  2. Humm... am I allowed to count my 27 PA bx_Yellowdrive licenses as 27 plugins? ? Back on topic: how CRAZY were the rules in those old PA sales.
  3. I'm near to null regarding drums and drum programming but I like the sound of AD kits a lot. I just purchased Jamstix in the recent Rayzoon sale hoping to improve the matters a bit (as the Jamstix "brain" can be used with AD drum sets), but it is a complex program and I guess I'll need some time to learn it properly. I think this is the farther I can go in order to have proper drum sounds in my productions. I'm not willing to buy any other drum libraries (except the remaining AD ones I don't have), at least in the near future.
  4. "...no discounts will be given if you own some of the bundle-plugins already." Not good for people like me, who already have lots of PA plugs ? Also if many of the plugs are included in different packs getting 2 or more of them without further discounts looks silly. Isn't it? ?
  5. A super useful tool finally at a decent price. I cannot get it right now (the monthly bills already gone over the limit), but as the promo goes thru the end of March I'll grab it by the end of the month,
  6. OK... yet another compressor. But Dave Pensado talked so well about this one that I bit this time. 5 Plugins You Should Know - Into The Lair #91
  7. Or XILS.. or Softube... or Korg... or Waldorf... I never said what emulations I had in mind. To be honest, when I heard the Memory-V demos I think I was (unconsciously) comparing with the xHum Little One demos I was watching yesterday on the Synthmania Youtube channel. Or maybe I was thinking that I could get similar sounds with the Voltage Modular synth that I bough just the other day (and for not much more than the current Syntronik sale price), although I had no chance to play with it yet. Or maybe I just overvalue having plenty of editing options in my synths. As I said... I don't know what's my problem. Regarding Arturia... I would agree that not all emulations are equally great there. My favorites are the SEM, Matrix 12 and the organs. Unfortunately I don't have the latest version, with the Buchla synth. And just to be fair... I never said that Syntronik sounds bad. It's just that, IMO, IK could take the u-He's Diva or Spectrasonics Omnisphere approach and pack all those samples, filters, LFOs, envelopes, etc into a SINGLE instrument, allowing different elements to be combined freely, instead packing them in dozen different ways and limiting even more the sound shaping options. This would make much more sense (again... IMO) than having dozens of pretense emulations. Sorry if I'm sounding hash; that's not my intention. I just see a wasted opportunity here, and by a company that I like a lot. They have many EXCELLENT products. I have Amplitube MAX, T-Racks MAX and, as I said, Modo Bass looks like an incredible instrument. I'll buy it some day.
  8. No better deal than free, of course, but... I don't know what's my problem with Syntronik ? I keep hearing the demos and keep feeling that all instruments sounds more or less the same; and worse than the average emulation based (instead of sample based) synth offerings on the market today. And I'm not even talking about the high valued/priced ones (OMG!... I lost the incredible recent u-He sale ?) . The full original Syntronik pack is on sale right now for $70 and I'm not slightest tempted, even if It'd be offered by half that price. OTOH... I'd get a synth like Modo Bass for that price in a heartbeat. YMMV.
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