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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. I'm a bit more resistant to GAS compared to past years. At this rate 50 years from now I'll probably not buying anything (well... maybe before that... anyway... ?) I finally decided to get the Komplete 12 Ultimate upgrade for $299 (I'm at K11 now). I was tempted to get a good orchestral library instead but I'll play with the K12U libraries and would expand my options next year (and preferable with Kontakt compatible libraries). I'm also getting the NI's Super 8 synth, even knowing that it'll probably be included in a future ultimate pack. I don't want to wait for this one (and the sale price is very good IMO). But I'll pass again the Arturia V Collection upgrade though (I'm at v5 now). And although I'd love to have the Buchla Easel or the Synthi V emulations, I'll buy this upgrade only when Arturia includes some old Ensoniq synths in the pack (ESQ1 or SQ80). I'll hate myself if I get this now and shortly after they add some of this synths. Let's see. Finally... only REALLY compelling deals with BIG cost/benefit ratios will have my attention (like the Ozone 8 standard for $49 at PB f.i. I couldn't resist that since I only have the Elements version).
  2. I bought AD Custom packs for as low as $62 in the past. The current price is $170. What kind of 'sale' is this?
  3. Oh... and I also bought the upgrade to padshop pro back then. I guess I'll also get the new Padshop Pro 2 for free when activating it.
  4. Nice. I'll save $60 'cause I postponed the activation ?
  5. I'm more or less convinced that Hollywood Gold is the best option. I just have one more question: HO Gold does not include solo instruments but the only solo libraries are for violin, cello and harp. What about the other instruments? I mean... I'd rather have solo woodwinds or brass than... harp!!!!???? Would Miroslav cover the need of solo instruments in general if used in conjunction with HO Gold?
  6. Thanks Matt. Would you say I'd have better orchestral tools by upgrading from Komplete 11 to Komplete Ultimate 12 than either East-West libs? This is an option I'm considering also. Just waiting for a good sale price.
  7. I'm rather poor regarding orchestral libraries. The only big lib I have is the Miroslav Phillarmonik, from IK, that I recently got for $70. I see that there are two Gold collections from East-West, Hollywood and Symphonic, at a good price. Are any of those significantly better than Miroslav? And any good reason to pay $45 more for the Hollywood collection? Thanks in advance for your opinions.
  8. I still have some upgrades I can buy, although not exactly plugins that I'm eager to get (and not because they are bad plugins but because I already have loads of similar ones). But the GAS makes it hard to simply let a $50 voucher expires so... I ended up buying the Elysia's Phill's Cascade for $49 in the last minutes.
  9. In some cases it's well cheaper select the Upgrade option, instead of renewing WUP. I can "upgade" Abbey Road Collection for $48 but to WUP all individually wold cost $184. Also, in my case, it looks that the cost to WUP all my expired plugins is capped at $240.
  10. OK Larry. I just wanna people know that there are a coupon available at the Waldorf site until Oct/27. Also, there are items not on sale at JRR, like the soundsets or the PPG Wave 3.V upgrade for owners of 2.V that sells for 50€ with the coupon f.i.
  11. Slightly better prices at Waldorf's own site (and if you dont need to pay VAT, I assume, even though the prices there are in Euro). Largo (which is more or less a SW version of the Blofeld HW synth) would be 78€ f.i. "As a thank you and to celebrate our 30th anniversary, we have prepared some specials for you. The first one is a 50% rebate for all Waldorf software products including Nave, Largo, Lector, PPG Wave 3.0, Waldorf Edition 2 and Blofeld sound sets. Go to our shop, add your order to the cart and use the following coupon code (valid until the 27th of October 2019) during checkout for 50% off: 30years" https://tinyurl.com/y246qbpr
  12. Just did the same ? Now... waiting for Cubase 10.5 for a double joy ? OK, OK Edith... I'll do this... What's wrong with me? I actually registered my Wavelab 9.5 upgrade. And got the just released Wavelab 10 for free!!! Still waiting for the next Cubase-and-a-half.
  13. A good deal but unfair as there's no crossgrade for Miroslav CE owners. I already paid $40 for that. And, as the normal sale price for Miroslav full lib was $150 back then if I'm not mistaken, the crossgrade should be $75 max. I'll pass. EDITH says: shut your big mouth fella and use those fr***king JAM POINTS!!!! Actually, I can use 30 jam points and get the thing for $70. I'm back in ?
  14. Zo, would you choose Shadow Hills or IRON? They're both hi-end mastering compressors outside the Matrix after all. Anyway... I don't have $200 to get this deal 'cause I bought the TC Electronic Finalizer Mastering bundle for $99, a complete ITB mastering solution. What a single mastering compressor could do better than this (not counting all the older stuff with similar functionality that we all have).
  15. With a $50 voucher would be $67 per plugin. Not bad but, unfortunately, this month's plugin cash has already been gone. I'll have to wait for another deal.
  16. Wild Sounds for Games & Picture https://puremagnetik.com/products/filmscape
  17. Note the remark on those recent deals: "Alternatively, $39.99 gets you access to 100+ plugins for almost two months."
  18. Jokes aside... I'd probably sign a $10/mo subscription for 10 plugins of my free choice from their entire catalog. But as this sounds so much like a reasonable proposal (IMO) It'd probably never happen.
  19. I thought this was a new DAW from a company called "United Plugins Front" ? Maybe I was thinking about "Plugin Alliance" when I read this ? And how about a company called "United Plugins of America" ?
  20. I was trying but... in the end... couldn't resist and got the Octavox. Also got the Precision Time Align as I'm doing a series of solo classical guitar recordings with a pair of mics and I think it can be very handy. I'll try to compensate next month by NOT buying the TC Finalizer application as I was planning.
  21. With this coupon and my credits in the store I got Frozen Plain's Arctic Strings for $7.
  22. I still have some PA upgrades available that, combined with my voucher, allow me to get some of their good plugins for $49 more or less. Personally, regarding PA, I set the max price I'd pay for anything from them at around $70. This was the price per plugin in their extinct Pick Pack that I was planning to get anyway. My offer for this pack is $69 and I'll think about it but, to be honest, I already have plenty of delays in my work (pun intended ?).
  23. Anything worth? I got the Elevate bundle the other day for $39. The Precision Time Align looks useful and tempting for $16. And how about the harmonizers?
  24. I found this on https://rekkerd.org/tc-electronic-to-change-the-game-of-mastering-with-new-finalizer-app/ "The free mastering analysis tools are now available at finalizer.com, and the Finalizer software app is available now at an early bird introductory price of $99 USD until September 20th, 2019 (regular $199 USD)."
  25. It looks that only the name is the same. I never had a HW Finalizer but this pack appears to have a lot more than I remember from the articles I read back then. The ad says that it's been ported from their System 6000 high end audio processor. Anyone knows the deadline for the $99 price?
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