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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Thanks so much for all the details.....I'm certainly impressed with your knowledge.
  2. Chortle, chortle cortle…have to tell that to my little ones. @craigb I'm stumped.
  3. Reid, speaking of world instruments...do you have or used a vst instrument called the Mongolian Horsehead fiddle (Morin Khuur)? The only one I've seen is at the Kong Audio site (looks to be Chinese) and it's a bit dated. There's also YT vid on it (in Chinese with English translations, but yet dated). https://www.kvraudio.com/product/matouqin-by-kong-audio
  4. Ah, good point...I'm also in no hurry, but might as well pay the extra for Epic World.
  5. Did you get this last time Larry (Desert Winds)? With Rewards money, I can get it for $69...
  6. With all the 'beach models' available to do a video, Shirley they could've done better? (I also wasn't sure if that's a 'she')
  7. Wow, all the IR's are free. I was expecting just a sample pack freebie. Thanks SW, will check them out.
  8. Absolutely agree...bought this in Dec. and that inspired me to get the V7 collection. They definitely have set the bar (for me) when deciding on buying a new synth from another vendor.
  9. Just picked this up for $1.92 at PB.....rest was virtual cash. Best deal evah!!
  10. Do it man!! It's ok to be desperate, but not serious.
  11. Unofficially fixed!
  12. Riddle for the day: On a cannibal island, a shipwrecked man was caught and brought to the chief. In fear for his life, the man pleaded with the chief to set him free. The chief being in a charitable mood and already had his fill stated 'if you make a statement that is false, you'll be shot by an arrow and if you make statement that is true, you'll be beheaded'. The man thought for awhile and made a statement. The chief had no choice but to set him free...what was the statement that the man made?
  13. The end justifies the means GAS. Well done!
  14. Happy B'day Mudgel!! Let them eat cake I say!!
  15. On the plus side I got this library, but I suppose I now have to upgrade to K6.
  16. This looks like what you've been looking for ZT. Very cool you can add feedback to existing tracks as well. Still loving my Freqout pedal (there's just something about pressing a stompbox to get the desired effect instead of using a mouse). Will definitely checkout the demo. When's the $29 sale going into affect?
  17. Since this is a very rare occasion to get one in before our good man Larry does, I just had to post this......do I win anything?
  18. Also, why is it when you send something by car it's a shipment and when you send it by ship, it's cargo?
  19. Not to mention, but they're also called 'flats' in some countries. (more thought provoking topics in the FSF....)
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