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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Playing through GP3, I noticed a big difference (in tone/feel) than when I play through a DAW. Fitzroy put it very nicely here: 'It feels quite organic, being able to save tweakable instrument/effect chains and build your own interface with the controls you want. It's definitely more 'analogue' feeling than a DAW and great to just play through.' .....and that's why I bother.
  2. I've been trying to use GP3 (with Voicemeeter Banana) to set up in Cakewalk, but have been unsuccessful. In Audio setup, I can only choose my audio interface (Axe I/O ASIO) or the Voicemeeter virtual ASIO. I just couldn't get my AXE I/O to be the "Audio In" and the Voicemeeter virtual ASIO to be the "Audio Out"..... it only gives me the option of picking AXE ASIO for both or Voicemeeter for both (audio in & out). Would appreciate any tips on how to set this up as I'd love to record GP3 in Cakewalk. OR Below is a screenshot from the link below, but I just can't it to use both like they've done. https://gigperformer.com/recording-your-gig-performer-performance-with-a-daw/
  3. Just ordered K13 from T&S and GR6 is what drew me in....also it was $93.
  4. I've been trying to use GP3 (with Voicemeeter Banana) to set up in Cakewalk, but have been successful. Followed their instructions, but couldn't get past step 1. In Audio setup, I can only choose my audio interface (Axe I/O ASIO) or the Voicemeeter virtual ASIO. Couldn't get this: 1) Here is Gig Performer with the guitar input coming through a Scarlett audio interface and the processed output going into the first two channels of Blackhole virtual driver https://gigperformer.com/recording-your-gig-performer-performance-with-a-daw/ Has anyone got this to work in a DAW?
  5. Although this is a promo for Jam Origin's MG2, Paul Bielatowicz is just an excellent guitarist.
  6. I'm with you on that Lars... At the NI site, it shows $199 for K13 and GR6 is what's really attracting me....rest would be just icing on the cake. I should check to see if I have any Rewards at T&S.
  7. My dilemma is whether to get these or not....I'm very happy with my ATH-M50X and I only have 2 ears. ?
  8. FRANKP10 still works for an additional $10 off.
  9. Which one's your favorite?
  10. Believe it or not, I'm still using the Aero Press and thinking of getting a new one....it just makes a great cup of coffee.
  11. Didn't qualify for the $50, but did use jampoints and got it under $70....oh and had to throw in Comprexxor while I was there.
  12. Is that $50 deal gone? I see it for $99 and can use jampoints to get it for $69.99
  13. One good thing is Neural has sales regularly, so hopefully it won't be too long for you. I picked up Gojira and like it a lot. It covers a lot of ground from crystal clean to super high gain and everything else in between. Put this inside Gig Performer3 and added some of my favorite fx's.....tone heaven!
  14. This Spectrum Pack was free in my account!! Thanks for posting this! ?
  15. Picked up that bundle and Lindell Audio 80 series. Yes at the time I had no idea I was going to get those, but apparently didn't want to miss out.
  16. This was my experience as well and do like it a lot. The tones I got out of was very pleasant and yes, that organic/analogue feel was definitely there. It's quite deep, so will have to spend more time learning to use it.
  17. Yes, thank you....Arena Rock here I come!!
  18. I also had the same issue, but noticed this at the bottom right of my cart: Please note: Currently UK only ?
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