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Everything posted by FMented

  1. FMented

    I don't know

    Thanks for taking your time Harry, very nice and spesific criticism, I'll try it. Thanks ?
  2. FMented

    I don't know

    Thanks for listening Paul, very appreciated
  3. I like it, nice guitar track, well mixed
  4. FMented

    I don't know

    never heard Jane's Addiction, but thanks for feedback buddy
  5. FMented

    I don't know

    Thanks for feedback Rik, I think I should copy-paste some instrument and add a little bit variation on drum and guitar track to make it longer so people can do something with it
  6. FMented

    I don't know

    Hi all. I just opened bandlab app on my phone and I think it's interesting where you can collaborate with somebody to make a song. BTW I got a track, would you guys help me to make it an actual song or just leave me a feedback because I still learn how to mix. Here's my track https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/e29ff012-91b2-e911-bcd0-2818789a0161
  7. Do you mean this stupid diagram? (made with paint) lol.
  8. hey guys what keyboard shortcut do you use ? besides shortcuts that was listed here http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=KeyboardShortcuts.html I made cheap programmable keyboards by following this tutorial http://mitchtech.net/arduino-usb-hid-keyboard/ and it works. the problem is I'm using 2 old ps2 keyboards, which means I have 208 programmable keys and 104 keys haven't programmed yet. so I ask you guys If you interested you can use my code https://github.com/fmented/PS2Macros
  9. FMented

    Not a song

    Good idea, but if i add them, it would be sounds like a song lol
  10. FMented

    Not a song

    It's not a song
  11. No, I mean customize its color and text color, because for me that color scheme wasn't contrast enough.
  12. Hi guys, I have a small request, can you guys please add a way to customize note map pane in drum grid pane, just to make it easier to see, I mean it's supposed to be a drum pane, not drum pain. I apologize if it was too offensive, it's a joke. Cheers
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