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ot ouss

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Everything posted by ot ouss

  1. Dear Amberwolf, Thank you very much for your detail explanation. I fully understand the concept. Now my only question remaining is there might be someone (like me) who is just curious to see the file size inside the Audio folder which properties are usually set to "music" and no file size shown. Then he might want to change the properties from "music" to "document"..... That's what I do often with other applications. Anyway I will close this thread now (again). Thank you.
  2. This is a self follow-up. I've figured out why this problem happens and am able to duplicate it as follows. If I change the properties of the "Audio" folder from default to say "Documents" the attribute of the Audio folder changed from D (default) to RD (Read only). According to Microsoft this is Windows spec. In this condition I can not save the project with new file name (save as) but I can save it without file name change. I feel this is too strict from user view point and CbB should accept "RD" condition but now I can live with this condition as I can avoid the situation with care.
  3. Dear all, I was able to change the problematic folder's attribute with command line such as attrib -r /s /d "target folder" After issuing this command the problematic folder's attribute was changed from RD to D also my problem disappeared. I still don't know why this happened but now I would like close this thread because this problem do not happen frequently. Thank you all for your valuable advise and support.
  4. I found that the attribute of problematic "Audio" folder is "RD" on the other hands normal "Audio" folder is "D". I have no idea what this means...
  5. Yes, I tested it under D drive, no change. Interesting thing might be, when I copied the whole "tomorrow" folder on C drive to my local network drive (NAS) and copy it back to the newly created temp folder on C drive then the problem disappears!! So it seems copying the problematic Audio folder to the other location in the same local PC drive the problem stays but once it copied out to network drive the problem disappears. So something on folder properties must be modified when it copied to the network drive. Does anyone know how to inspect/ compare the folder properties in detail?? Sorry it might be no longer Calkwalk discussion..
  6. I use Windows defender. Tested with "tomorrow" folder excluded no help....
  7. Thank you all for your comments. @Promid, OS is Windows 11 Japanese also it happened on Windows 10 before. @mettelus, I reconfirmed your points but no help. Indeed I can't find any difference between the properties of good folder and problem folder. @kurre, Promidi, Glenn Santon, that exclamation mark are added after problem occurred to distinguish the folders for my trouble shooting purpose. So I deleted the exclamation marks again my issue still remains.
  8. When I save the project with new file name, sometimes attached message pops up. This does not happen frequently but surely does. Does anyone have similar experience and know why it happens? My solution is - Rename "Audio" folder to "Audio1" - Create new "Audio" folder - Copy all files in "Audio1" folder back to new "Audio" Now I can save the project with new name. I guess something my operation could cause this problem but I have no clue. Thank you for your support in advance.
  9. Solved. Somehow the file location setting was messed up.
  10. Hello, This morning I just found that "new project" menu in the Cakewalk Start Screen is empty by some reason. Indeed I was manipulating PC folder last a few days so definitely I must have mistakenly destroyed some folders. Could you help me which folder should contain the "new project" elements and how to recover them? Thank you for your help in advance.
  11. I was trying scook's Tools Editor to use RX9. When I select a clip and run RX from Utilities menu I got this error. My Audio interface is Roland Quad Capture and driver is ver1.5.2 for Win10. Both CbB and RX9 is set for same this ASIO driver. I guess this means some sort of driver conflict between CbB and RX9. I know Quad Capture is quite old but wondering is there any tip on this? [Solved] ! I changed RX9 driver selection from ASIO to MME (i.e non ASIO) then it works fine.
  12. I rolled back Waves instruments from v13 to V12 then I don't have any issue on Export audio. So looks like it is Waves issue somehow. Isn't there anything to do on Cakewalk Export process? I'm just curious.
  13. I have an issue when I export the project with any Waves instrument, say Elerctric88 (ver. on Cakewalk 2022.02 (Build 039). Normal project playback is no problem but when I export it, the output file of the first a few seconds become silence, followed by actual/ expected sound (kind of fade-in) I didn't have this issue before. Any suggestion?
  14. @Matthew, glad to hear they found the solution. I will wait for the general availability.
  15. I'm afraid your link is not working. I wanted to upload mine but already moved back to Waves 11.
  16. Hi, I have a same error as Mariuszl with Waves 12!!! No problem on Waves 11.
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