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Amanda Rose Riley

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Everything posted by Amanda Rose Riley

  1. Thanks. I guess this is what happens when you learn as you go... those are the kinds of obvious steps I probably should have learned before I started. I tried duplicating and bouncing the track now just in case it helped, and that didn't fix anything for this project, but at least I know for next time.
  2. Okay, I want to preface this by saying I'm neither an audio, nor Cakewalk, nor tech expert - just a singer-songwriter still learning to produce my own songs - so I'd appreciate simple step by step answers. I had a track (2 tracks - acoustic guitar + vocals) that was almost perfect, except it was a little bit too quiet, so I used the normalize feature because the mix was good. After that, the track got completely ruined: there are dozens of crossfades throughout the vocal track, which sounded perfect before. But now on every crossfade, it mutes the vocal till the end of the clip, and the guitar is also garbled (like a skipped CD) at that spot. The guitar is fine on solo; but even with the vocals on solo, it still plays the garbled guitar instead of the vocal at the crossfades. Also, I guess it's the clip split/merge causing the issue, not the fades, because I tried removing the crossfade on one clip, and it still got messed up after the split line. It's not a general issue with Cakewalk because I tried some other tracks where I didn't use normalize, and they still sound fine even at the crossfades. The performance (disk/CPU) bars are the same on all tracks, so I don't think that's the problem either. Other than that I'm not sure what to check. Can you just not normalize tracks that have crossfades (like you have to export first), or is it something else? If there are any troubleshooting steps I can do, let me know. I have a backup of the track that is missing some recent changes, so I would rather not revert to that unless it's my only option... I need to know how to avoid the problem again in the future anyway. Also, I suppose there is no way to revert to a previous version once you've exited the app? (Unfortunately I exited before listening to the whole exported track, which was stupid I guess.) If it matters I'm using the software on Windows 10. Thank you!
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